Getting kidnapped by a sexy vampire....! (chapter 27)

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Chapter 27! I'm on a roll this week! Ok, we have some Michael in this chapter, for all of you who were missing him. This chapter kind of shows Kristin being her own and not giving into Michael the way she usually does. I don't know about any grammar or spelling, but if there is any ignore it. I hope to upload within the next few days, until then, happy reading!


I saw so many emotions pass threw Logan's face; anger, worry, scared, but most of all pissed! Well at least I know it's not him. Right? Well I really hope it's not him that would just be weird. Sitting in a deserted diner with a guy who wants to abduct you, real nice. Oh but that would just be my luck. I could see Logan's face turn bright red from anger. Then he said,

"WHAT?! Since when? How do you know?" I could see Logan was quite livid.

"Uh-Uhm, since today, I found out a little while after you left to go out. And I know because when-" I abruptly stopped, it would be kind of awkward if I told Logan what me and Michael were doing.

"When?" Logan probed. I guess hesitation was written clear across my face, because Logan's angered face softened a bit.

"Kristin please tell me, you couldn't have been doing anything that bad." HA! What am I suppose to say 'Logan you got it all wrong, I was about to have sex with a cheating vampire, but before he could stick his dick in me some weirdo called and interrupted." Yeah, that'll sound nice! Hint to my heavy sarcasm!

"When me and Michael were in his room, things were getting hot and just before..."I trailed off, my face cherry red.

"Before you had sex." Logan said and I looked up to see an arrogant smirk across his face. I turned even redder, if that's even possible.

"For your first time." Logan added. My eyes darted up to meet his amused ones. Oh My God is it normal for me to be blushing this hard. And how did he know I was a virgin?

"How do you...?" I started

"Kristin, when you walked in on me and Samantha before" I grimaced when he said Samantha. "Your face was so red and you couldn't even look at me."

"That's because Michael covered my eyes." I mumbled, but he seemed to hear and laughed lightly.

"Too bad. You would've enjoyed the view." He said, signature cocky smirk in place. I'm not even going to answer that.

"Anyway." I said, voice a bit clipped. "Before we were about to have sex," Take note of how my face still turns red, though Logan already said it for me. "The phone rings. So I answered and all I heard was breathing, then I asked who it was and the person never answered so I hung up. Then the second time-" Logan cut me off,

"The second time? He called more than once?" His voice turning from amusement to seriousness.

"Yeah. I wasn't going to answer but it wouldn't stop ringing and it was getting on my nerves. So I answered again, but again only breathing. I demanded who it was and a man answered by saying 'you'll know soon enough' in an eerie tone. Then he started saying things like, 'Give it up already. You're turning me on" and just disgusting things like that. I was freaking out asking him how he knew this and he said he could see me. I asked him what he wants, and he said 'You' then hung up." I shivered in fear and repulsion at the end of my little story telling.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Logan asked, hurt in his eyes.

"I tried, right after that we left the room looking for you. We searched the hotel for an hour, but we still couldn't find you. That's when we decided to go back to the room thinking you went back and walked in on..." I cleared my throat. "You know."

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