To A Better Live || Samuel || Phantom Halo

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Y/n's POV
I walked out of the orphanage I live in. Yup, I leave in a orphanage. My parents didn't give a shit for me, so one day they just were tired of paying for me too, so they gave me to the orphanage.

There isn't any better. The kids are mean and I don't really have any friends. The women who are supposed to take care of, are making us work a lot.

Anyways, I walked some blocks away, until I arrived at my destination.

"Hey Sam!"I said cheerfully. Samuel is my friend since I can remember myself. I was his neighbor, until my parents gave up on me. We still kept in touch, though.

Sam turned around and when he saw me, he smiled.

"Y/n!"he said and reached to hug me, but I stopped him.

"No way mister! You are all dirty!"I complained and he chuckled.

"I am sorry, love."Sam said and turned back to the car he was still trying to fix.

"I thought you'd give up on it long time ago."I said, leaning on it a little. He shook his head.

"No way. I bet I will need it someday."he said and I nodded. I looked at his face, which looked so serious at the moment. He looks so hot. Yeah, did I forget to say that I had a crush on him since I know what a crush is? I think not.

"Like what you see, love?"he asked, not even looking at me. I blushed and looked at the ignition he was working on. I heard him chuckling a little.

"So, what are you doing tomorrow?"I asked, chanting the Subject after after a little comfortable silence.

"You know, performing, then I will come continue the car."he said.

"Do you maybe will have some time for a little walk after your performance?"I asked shyly. He stopped working and I felt him shift his gaze to me. I didn't look at him, though.

"You mean like...a date?"he asked and I shrugged.

"M-Maybe?"I said and finally looked at him. He had a smile plastered on his face.

"Good thing you said if first, because I probably wouldn't have the guts to ask you out myself."Sam said and I rose an eyebrow.

"So, we are going on a date?"I asked and he smiled and nodded. I squealed and hugged him.

"I thought you don't want to her dirty."Sam said, laughing.

"I don't care at the moment."I said, happily.

Time Skip
Y/n's POV
Me and Sam are dating for a while now and since then, my live has become better.

Currently, it's night time and we are all getting ready for bed. Suddenly, one of the girls living here came.

"Y/n, someone wants to see you."she said and walked out. I rose an eyebrow and got up, then walked downstairs to see Samuel waiting for me on the door, his head low. I walked to him and once he noticed me approaching, he lifted his head up. His eyes were glossy and he has tear stains on his cheeks.

"Sammy? What happened?"I asked, touching his cheek with my hand.

"It's dad Y/n."Samuel said."He's dead."he said and my heart skipped a beat. Yeah, the man may have been drunk addict, but he still was better with me than my parents. He was kind of like a father to me.

"W-What do you mean, Sam?"I asked him, tears ready to spill from my eyes.

"There is no time now, but I have to tell you."Sam said and took both my hands in his bigger ones."Me and Beck are going away Y/n."he confessed.

"W-What?"I asked."What about me?"I asked.

"That's why I am here. If you want, you can come with us."Sam said and I looked down. I started thinking. What is to loose? It will be even better. I will be with Samuel and Beck will be there too."We will go far away from this hellhole Y/n. It will be better, I promise."Sammy said after some seconds of silence. I looked into his eyes and nodded weakly.

"I am coming. Just wait for me to pack my things."I said and he nodded.

"Thank you."he said and gave me a kiss. After that I walked upstairs and made sure I didn't wake up anyone. I went to my room, which I shared with 5 more girls.

I went to my bed and took my bag from under it. I took as many clothes as I could and all the money I have. I slipped on my shoes and walked down as quietly as possible. Sam was still there, waiting for me. The two of us left the house and Sam led me to the car he was fixing.

"You fixed it?"I asked and he nodded with a weak smile. He opened the back door for me and I climbed inside, seeing Beck inside, white bandage stained with blood around his head.

"Beck! What happened to you!?"I almost yelled.

"Hello to you too."Beck said and I chuckled. Sam climbed into the car and started the ignition.

"So, where to, now?"I asked, sitting in the middle so I was between both boys.

"To a better live."Sam said, taking one of my hands in his and starting to drive away. To a better live.

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