Late morning on September 23rd 2002 Crystal Blake and Ray Christian where more than ready for this child to come. After a lot of pain and waiting a new baby girl entered the world, by the name Karley Reneé. Everyone was so happy and excited for the new member of the family. Ray couldn't doubt that she was his daughter since they look exactly alike, but he was also kind of nervous for his first daughter. A few months go by and they learn quick that she is a fast learner. She learned how to speak, walk, and read very easily. As Karley got a little older she started developing skills, she started drawing and singing (neither one of those skills where good at all at the time but that's okay, she was just a little kid). But over time she kept finding more artistic things she loves to do. She's never been much of a sporty girl, more of a music and art making kind of girl.
Physical description of Karley-
•brown and green eyes
•kinda chubby
•and almost always wearing a t-shirt and jeansAs Karley started school she realized how nice and how cruel people can be. She made a "friend" and there where some people that- weren't so nice. After kindergarten year Karley moved counties which meant she moved schools. This school was a year round school. She's never been to one of those before. So she started first grade a little late and again made some friends but didn't talk much since she was the "new girl". Next thing Karley knew she was in third grade, for her womanhood hit her prematurely. So she got some questions that she didn't even know the answer to. Then she gained some weight. She didn't know how this weight came but it did. That's when she started to hate herself. Due to these boys at school hat always called her fat and the skinny girls not letting her play with them she felt unwanted. She wanted to die. Her parents noticed her change in behavior and took her out of that school. She finished elementary level at this school. She made some friends she sometimes still talks to today but not often. That's also where she saw Lindsey for the first time. Sure all they said was hey but that's when Karley knew she wasn't a "normal girl". After that she started seeing that girls are cuter and nicer than boys. She never told anyone how she felt. She just thought it to herself. Next thing she knew middle school came along. Dang where there some pretty girls there! She made a friend in gym class and stuck with her. They bonded over the fact that they have the same name. Then sixth grade flew by then seventh grade hit her in the face. She started to isolate herself, She didn't eat much, she never really talked to anyone and she self harmed. A lot. Seventh grade felt like eternity. Finally after that dreaded year of depression Karley wanted to experiment with her gender, she went by he/him and went by Blake she (he) never really thought it was a phase. But she (he) also would still dress pretty and wear makeup when no one was around. Then finally she came out as a girl again and started to get ready for high school. First sem. Went by fast but the classes where mostly boring. Again she made a couple friends. Some good, some bad. She made some bad choices and she didn't really stay on her work. She wasn't mentally prepared for everything. But little did she know something amazing is going to happen next semester...