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I gave Logan's hand a squeeze as I then sunk out of Logans room and into my own, with Logan right beside me. "Tad-a" I yelled as I then let go of Logans hand and did a little circle around my room, "Welcome to my palace!" I declared as I then sat on my bed. I watched Logan look around the room, I could tell that he was taking this all in, and then I saw his eyes dart to my desk. Logan walked over and studied the sight that lay before him. I got up and off of my bed as I then walked beside him, "As you could already figure out, this is my work desk." I said looking down at my desk.

"Pardon my starring, I just had thought that I was the only one who would put forth mass amounts of effort to do my job, or at least to plan things out. But.." Logan picked up some of the papers that I had written about rapers, artists, and some about where is the best place to be on stage. "This is impressive. Even for you." Logan said turning back to face me. I smiled, a smile that showed my teeth (I had learned that when smiling, it is more royal like to show teeth) "Why thank you Logan." I said still smiling. Speaking of working, would you like some assistance in the work that you are doing for Thomas and the song that he is to be working on." Logan offered. I opened my mouth and then had to close it. Do I want his help? I mean, I know that Logan does care, but who am I to give him more work, Logan already has so much to do as it is, being the brains of the group. "I..." I looked at all that I had written, I had wrote enough to last for 2 minutes of a song, I am trying to go to for 4 minutes. That only means 180 more seconds, I don't need to wast Logans time with that. "It's fine, I am practically finished already, now I only will have to sort out how high and or low Thomas needs to sing. I was also thinking, that sense you and I had our own musical about Crofters, Virgil and Patton could have their own musical about keeping the hope alive, that part being mainly Patton, and keeping safe, that being Virgil. " I proclaimed, not removing the smile from my face. I watched Logan keep a straight face, making it near impossible for me to tell what the nerd was truly feeling. If he could feel that is.

Logan looked me in the eye for a few seconds, although the seconds where of few, the beating in my chest that execrated lasted more than those few seconds. "Are you sure? Roman, although I may have not shown it in the past, I do care and I want to help you if you shall need it." Logan stated, his face still not showing any true emotion. "No, it is ok. Besides, Thomas is going to need help considering that he has to write an email to Crofters in a few minutes." I added. If Logan was trying not to show any emotions before, then he had just failed, Logans whole face had lighted up and a huge smile had formed. " Fantastic, well if you shall need me then do not hesitate to text me. " Logan said sinking out. The second that Logan had sunken out, I let out a breath that I did not know I was holding. BING! looking down I saw that I had gotten a few texts, the first few was nothing, but the last one made my eyes widen and my breathing quicken.

Dadio: Hey Roman, I changed my name on my contacts so I just wanted to let you know that this is my name! Also I wanted to tell you that I made cookies that you can have if ya want (20 minutes ago)

Virgil: I wanted to say that I forgive you about earlier, and that Thomas likes the idea (19 minutes ago)

Deceit: I cannot sense when someone is lying, don't be careful Roman, or I will have to not talk to you...( 4 seconds ago)


I looked down at the name on my screen. When I saw it I could not help but let out a scream.


With a shaking hand I picked it up, my heart still racing. "Hello Deceit, what is happening to get me the pleasure of getting to speak with the king go lies himself?"I asked, already annoyed that he had the courage to actually call me. "Listen Roman! Please y-you need to know, this is Virgil, I saw what Deceit said to you, and I need you to know that he is after you! I-I can't stop him, he wants you! You need to b-be careful!" My eyes widened as I held the phone closer to me, and my grasp only getting stronger "Virgil? Are you ok? Do you need help, I can come for you! Did he hurt you?" I asked, my voice only getting louder and more worried as only silence was left after I had said this. I heard something on the other line, it sounded like Virgil was on the move, "I-Im sorry Princey, Deceit will be back any second, I can't stay talking to you." "But are you o-" "Yes I am ok, but I won't be if he comes back and sees that I am talking to you on his phone, I have to go. be careful!"

The phone beeped, showing that Virgil or Deceit had hung up. I could not even think of what was happening, for soon, I heard a knock on my room door.

"oh Roman, don't open up the door. I just want to have a little chat with the dashing Prince of Thomas'

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