Chapter 1

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"Everyone love the Loud family. They're pretty funny and always enjoy the company of their siblings. How I wish to have siblings like them", Chandler said.

The sad boy is sit on a table, alone, at the Eat Diner Coffee Shop. After realizing that it doesn't work pretending to be popular and rude at school, Chandler gave up and admitted how lonely and miserable he is. With nothing more than some fries to eat, he's forced now to suffer the desolation at the coffee shop.

"God, why don't you send me an angel to help me?" he said, in a sarcastic and faithless way.

But unknown for him, a girl who was just coming into the shop hears him by chance. Immediately, this girl walks right to his table.

"Excuse me. Is this seat occupied?" she said to him in a gentle way.

This blonde girl was wearing a purple shirt, skirt, headband and large socks. Chandler gets confused for a while.

"What's the matter with this girl?" he said in his mind. "Although she looks very nice."

And after thinking this, he answers.

"No, it isn't", he said.

"Thank you" she said and sits down.

Chandler tries to not make visual contact with the girl. He's so ashamed.

"I couldn't ignore you looking like depressed. What's going on?" she said.

"What do you care. Besides, you don't know me, neither I know you", Chandler said with disgust.

"Well, you're right. Let me introduce myself to you. I'm Carol Pingrey. Nice to meet you", she said with a smile.

Chandler is so ashamed that he can't speak to Carol.

"Are you ok?" she asked.

But the boy still can't answer. This makes the blonde girl to get a little upset. Finally, he spells it out.

"I'm Chandler Robinson..." he said, looking to another side.

"That's a cozy name, and it suits you", Carol said, smiling.

This last words makes the boy to blush. He tries to hide his flushed face with his hands so Carol can't see it.

"Thank... Thank you", he barely said.

"You're welcome", she replied. "So, are you gonna tell me now why are you depressed?"

"Ok. I just feel alone. My friends are busy and my parents, too. Nobody more want to hang out with me."

"And why don't you tell your brothers."

"I don't have any brothers, neither sisters."

Chandler gets a little frustrated by this question. Carol notices it and gets worried.

"I'm sorry for that question", she said, ashamed.

"It's ok", he replied before putting his head on the table over his hands.

"Hey, and what if you come with me to the mall? That would cheer you up" she said.

"What? But we just have met. Now you're inviting me to go with you to the mall?" he asked.


"That's kinda weird."

"Wanna come with me? Or rather you prefer to stay here alone?"

Chandler doesn't want to stay alone. Carol had been the only person who talked him in the entire day.

"Ok", he agreed with a sigh.

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