Chapter 3

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With a lump in his throat and stomach, Chandler approaches to Sam's house. He's very nervous, but he doesn't surrender. In his mind, he keeps calm and talks to God.

"God, please help me, so I can get along with Sam. In the name of Jesus", he said.

And without hesitate, he knocks the door of her house. After one minute, Sam opens. She gets discouraged after watching Chandler in front of her door.

"You again? What's the matter with you? What are you doing here?" she said, frowned.

"Hi Sam. I'm sorry for make you feel angry yesterday. That was not my intention", he said. But Sam ignores him.

"Look, I bring a disc from 'P.O.D.'. I heard it and it's a pretty good rock band. I was wondering if you wanna listen it with me", he said, showing off the disc.

"No", Sam said and closes the door on his face.

Displeased, Chandler walks away. But before he can go farther, Sam opens the door and calls him.

"Hey!" she screamed.

Chandler walks back to the door. "Yes?" he asked.

"Is it as good as you said?" she asked, ashamed.

"It is", he said.

"Ok. Come in", she finally said and lets him to come in.


They listen to the final song of the disc. After it ends, Sam takes out the disc from the stereo and gives it back to Chandler.

"That band really rocks! And their songs are quite unique!" she said with joy.

"I know, right? I'm happy you enjoyed it like me", he said.

Then, for a brief moment, there's an uncomfortable silence in the whole room. That is until Sam finally breaks with that silence.

"Hey dude, I'm really sorry for how I behaved to you last day", she apologized.

"It's ok, Sam. It was my fault after all. I didn't have to snoop on your stuff", he said.

"You know, to be only a child, you're very sweet."

"Well, thank you", he said, a little blushed. "Why do you think I'm sweet?"

"Because you talk with honesty, and humility. And even after I misbehaved, you come back. SO I ask you: Why did you come back?"

"Look Sam, this will sound strange, even stupid. But, the truth is that after I met you and I got back to my home, I started to feel bad for you."

"For me? Why?"

"I exactly don't know. But I feel it's because you're hiding something. Please don't get mad with me, I'm just telling you the truth."

Sam stays quiet for a while, but soon she answers.

"I can't hide it anymore. Since you seem to be trustworthy, I'll tell you. The truth is... my life is a complete lie", she said.

"Why?" Chandler asked, worried.

"It all started with my sexual orientation. Since I was eleven years old, I began to feel attracted to women rather than men for unknown reasons. I felt bad about it, until I saw on the TV how LGBT groups manifest and live happily, telling that it was normal to fall in love with both male or female, no matter the gender you are."

"I see", he said.

"So I began to believe them. I looked at me like a normal woman who like other women. When I entered the high school, I met a girl who fell in love with me, and I did as well. In fact, that girl is the one from the picture you saw", she said, pointing the photo.

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