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Sting POV-
Yukino really weren't kidding about how small the guest room was

I could stand in the middle of the room, stretch my arms and touch both walls
There were only just enough room for bed, and a could of drawers

Still even though it was small i was still very Thankfull that Yukino would do this for me
I really didn't have anything to unpack so now the question was 'what to do?'

I am not very patient so i wanted to find something to do
But before i could do anything, Yukino came into the tiny room and sat beside me on the bed, she was quiet for a few moments, witch worried me a bit before she Said
"i just want's to apologize for Real..."
"Apologize? What for?"
"I slapped you across the face during the war..remember?"
"Yeah i remember, but that is what brought me back to my senses so i'm grateful!"
"Are you sure?"
"Yukino...are you..scared of me?"
"What?! No of course not Sting-sama!"
"Oh Yeah? Course your acting like it...are you afraid i'm going to kick you out of the guild?"
"Trust me that's not it Sting-Sama...i'm just very ashamed.. After all you Said it hurt..."
I took hold of Yukino's right hand..the one she had slapped me with that Day and Said softly
"Having to knock some sense into a hopeless Master like me..there's No Way it wouldn't hurt.."
It was the exact same words i had Said that Day
"But it was what needed to be done..Thank you" i continued, and when i finished my sentence i hugged her tightly
She heditantly wrapped her arms around my back
She was shaking and soon After o could hear her sniffer and my shoulder was getting slightly wet..she was crying
"Hey it's okay..." i Said gently and began stroking her hair
"I-i know..i just- i should be th-the one saying t-Thank you!" She Got out between her sobs

The war had made us all so tired, so many things had happened- and secrets had gotten out

Like the fact the me, Rogue, Wendy, Gajeel and Natsu were born 400 years ago
I hadn't really told anyone, not even Rogue..that as a child, a thing that would be on my mind a lot where were my Real Family were
Was i abonded? couldn't they take Care for me? Were they dead? Had i gotten lost in the forest?

All i remember from my past If walking around the Dark forest all alone crying

Of course i was scared when a Big White dragon flew Down and landed in front of me, and afterwards lowetef it's head to look me straight in the eyes
But when i looked into his eyes i felt calm.. i felt like everything was all right
To think that moment were over 400 years ago

(With Minerva, Rogue and Frosch)
Normal POV-

"Are you hungry? Frosch? Rogue?" Minerva asked, they were sitting on her coutch, drinking a delicious tea..exept for Frosch who was drinking grape juice
"Well i'm not..thanks for the offer though" Rogue answered and Frosch just shook his head No
"Well that's good course i'm not either" Minerva statet with a little chuckle
Her normal set up hair was now loose hsnging Down to the middle of her back

"Rogueee?" Frosch spoke up
"Yeah Frosch what is it?"
"Don't you think Minerva is really pretty?!"
That defently cought Rogue off guard, and he didn't quiet know what to say
Minerva seemed a bit cought off guard as Well, but not as much as Rogue, however she was kinda curious to find out what Rogue was gonna answer
"Well" Rogue finaly Said, however Frosch didn't except that answer "you hesitatet" Frosch pointet out
Rogue sighed and then Said "yes she is very pretty" Rogue wore a little blush that he was trying to hide with his hand
"Well Thank you Rogue! You aren't that bad looking yourself!" Minerva Said with a smirk as she took Another sip of her tea
Rogues blush was now spreading, witch confused him
It was rare for him to be this Way
Why was he feeling this Way

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