Part 4

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Standing in line at the check-in desk, I was suddenly overcome with a wave of guilt. Was I doing the right thing? I gripped tightly onto my passport, contemplating what I'd just done. Walking away from Noah was easily one of the hardest things I'd ever had to do and it had required all my strength to turn my back on his heartbroken face. He was the one who hurt my feelings, though, so I hated the fact that I felt bad for standing my ground.

"Next," a woman behind the desk gestured for me to step forward.

I quickly glanced at her before nervously scanning my surroundings. The group of girls that were previously fussing over Noah had now disappeared, meaning Noah had gone too.

"Miss?" the woman prompted me, growing frustrated as there was a queue of people behind me.

I puffed out my cheeks in a fluster. Once I was on that plane I wasn't sure if things between Noah and I would ever be fixed and it was a daunting possibility. I craned my neck over my shoulder to double check Noah had gone. In one respect I was gutted he hadn't chased after me but then I realized that it practically wasn't possible for several reasons; he would have drawn a lot of attention to himself, he (presumably) didn't have his passport on him and he was playing a show that night.

I heard murmurs behind me as the queue began to get agitated at me for taking so long. Bracing myself by exhaling in a whistle, I hastily shoved my passport into my jacket pocket and picked up the handle of my suitcase.

"Excuse me," I politely remarked at the couple standing behind me so I could get past them.

I felt my heart briskly beating away in my chest as I made my way towards the exit. Every time I blinked I saw the image of Noah's dejected face on the inside of my eyelids.

Pulling my suitcase behind me towards the taxi rank outside, I used my free hand to retrieve my phone from my jeans pocket.  I let out a dampened sigh to see the only missed calls were from Noah when he had tried phoning me just after I left him at the hotel. I noticed there was a text from my best friend Selena so I made a mental reminder to reply back later on.

Just as I was about to go onto my call log, my screen flashed with an incoming call from Warren. I knitted my eyebrows together intently as I answered the call, wondering if he was phoning because he knew what had just happened.

"Hey, Warren," I used a questioning tone as I mouthed 'thank you' to a taxi driver who was putting my suitcase in the back of his taxi.

"Heeey, Y/N. Any chance Noah caught up with you? He's not answering his phone," I could tell he was trying to be polite but desperately wanted an answer.

I sighed," he did but I told him to go..."

I got into the back of the cab and gave the driver the address of the hotel the boys were staying in. It felt like deja vu considering I'd done the same thing just over an hour earlier.

Warren and I were good friends so I knew he'd want a full explanation of why I had done what I did at a later date after he'd found Noah.

"Me, the football teams, Lee and Elle have decided to do some football game and later on we will play volleyball at the beach so we need to go and want to come," he exhaled loudly," are you staying? Please come down so you can tell me what happened," he spoke sympathetically in his Midlands accent.

"I'm actually on my way back to the hotel now," a small smile appeared on my lips," because I figured that's where Noah went. I feel awful, I need to talk to him."

"You are? Aw Y/N that's great! If you'd left we'd be stuck with a moody Noah for the rest of the year," he joked.

I chuckled weakily," I don't even know if he'll want to talk to me after the way I treated me."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. He's the one in the wrong 'ere!"

It always made me smile when Warren entered protective mode, no wonder he was the daddy of the group.

"Hmm," I was unconvinced, " I'll meet you later, need to talk to Noah first."

"Alright babe well just let me know how it goes."

As soon as I was finished on the phone with Warren, I tried Noaj's number. I was feeling deflated when the call went straight to voicemail four times in a row. I threw my head back in distress when something in my peripheral vision caught my attention.

"STOP," I exclaimed dramatically to the bewildered taxi driver who glanced nervously into the rear view mirror before slamming on the breaks down the road from Harvard beach.

I reached swiftly into my pocket and shoved $100 dollars into the man's hands before I rapidly opened the door and made my way around the boot to pull out the small, black YSL suitcase Noah had bought me for Christmas.

My heart began to race when I walked further up the street, eventually stopping outside the beach and peering through the glass window. When my eyes landed on Noah, trying on a bomber jacket, I suffered minor heart palpitations. His back was facing me but those long hair of his were instantly recognizable. After taking a few steady breaths to calm myself down, I remembered that Noah was in the wrong and I needed to hear him out. I used my free hand to push my hand against the the door, failing to capture the attention of Harry and the salesmen who was attending to him.

"You have great style, Flynn," I jested nervously, piercing my gaze onto the back of his jack.

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, Noah whipped his head around in a fashion so majestic that it made his hair flourish. Although they were heavy from sleep, his eyes lit up when they met mine.  The lifeguard stepped back slightly, sensing that Noah and I needed some space.

"Y/N..." he whispered breathlessly, rushing over to my side," you came back?"

I pressed my lips together and nodded profusely whilst he practically skipped to me.

"You're such a dick, Noah, but I needed to come back. I need you."


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