Reader x Simcoe: You're not filled with terror at my vengful lust?

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[A/N] Ain't gonna lie I rushed this one but I was busy. Enjoy though!

You worked at the same tavern as Anna Strong, she was like a sister to you, you were orphan before her mother and father called you theirs. You even added "Smith" to your last name. It was all so grand then The Read Coats came, but there was one red coat that scared you but also made you curious, he was a Captain, Captain John Graves Simcoe.
He came in almost every day and all he ever said to you was "How are you today?" And "Good-day Miss [Y/N]." And it was for that reason he was strange and sweet. But he did creep you out when he stared as you worked. His bright blue eyes were hard to avoid in the dark tavern. His eyes were almost enchanting. You didn't want to say you were liking the strange man, but you found him attractive.
Today you walked in to see, he wasn't there. You attended to your other customers. In fact most of the Red Coats were gone. You finished up and walked outside to have two drunken local boys walk up to you. "Hey [Y/N]! How bout I take ya for a ride?"
"In me bed..." he mumbled, the smell of alcohol was strong. The other drunkard joined. "We think ya are a very pretty lady."
"Well, this lady is locked in a knot and I have more work to do." You tried to walk back into the tavern but they grab you. "Come on!" They beg
"No!" You are yelling. "Anna!"
Then suddenly Simcoe comes around the corner and pulls the boys off you. He kicks the two boys in the stomach repeatedly then stops when he sees you are watching him in shock. "Miss [Y/N] Smith." He then walks away.
You walk inside and see Anna. "I heard you scream."
"I'm okay."
The next few nights men that hit on you by grabbing your behind and cat calling you engulf up beaten up. Now no guy won't even look at you let alone ask you to give them there drinks. You move to the back of the tavern to wash the dishes.
As you wash a silver mug you see a red reflection in the mirror. You turn around to see Simcoe.
"How are you?"
"Good, and you?"
"Good. I do hope I didn't frighten you."
"No, I was a bit shocked but, thank you, you cut me a break. They were shites. I do have to say your scaring my customers away." You tease him.
"I am leaving to New York. I do hope to see you again." He then leaves out the door before you can respond, you mumble under your breath. "Hope to see you again too..."
You are working your ass off as the tavern gets filled with locals, Red Coats, and now Queens Rangers. You run around filling up mug after mug of bear and rum. Your hair is starting to come loose and you are breaking a sweet.
It feels like hours but it's more like minutes.
You look at the clock and it's only been three hours. Then you feel a soft tapping on your shoulder.
"Heeeeeeyyyy [Y/N]." A Red Coats says breathing onto you. "Sir, please have a seat."
He then pulls on your arm hard.
"Ow!" You exclaim. "That hurt,  let go! I have a job to do."
"You can do a fancy job in my bed." He goes to kiss you when he is yanked away and thrown onto a table.
It's Simcoe. In a Queens Ranger uniform. He smiles and walks upstairs. Anna walks to you. "He will be staying here."
"I'll make sure he doesn't find out about your work."
"How will you do that." Anna whispers with great concern.
"I think I know." You smile with your face having a bit of blush.
Everyone has finally left the tavern and you just finished cleaning the last table. Anna and you took the broken table to the cellar. You then head upstairs to visit Simcoe.
You didn't want to admit it but you enjoyed his enchanting bright blue eyes and fair pale skin, you missed his voice in the short conversations he gave you and how he protected you. You even think he looks a hell of a lot better without the powdered wig.
You knock on his door and he opens it in shock to see you.
"Oh, Miss[Y/N] Smith."
"Simcoe, I want to thank you for protecting me and all that. And I fancy you, well, I admire you, no I-"
"You like me Miss [Y/N]?"
"Yes. Do you...with me?"
"You're not filled with terror at my vengeful lust?"
You chuckle. "'Vengeful lust' I would call it something else."
He pressed his soft lips onto yours and your face warmed up so quick, you felt your face turn red as he pulled you into his room and you kicked the door closed.

[A/N] I tried, but more will come.

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