Americat and Reader

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Paring: fluff Americat reader insert
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Your day was going pretty crappy for the most part. Waking up you had to go to work and then got caught in a rainstorm that lasted the entire day. The day job you attended was a boring desk job. You had watched the storm pass and go the entire day and finally, you could leave the godforsaken place.

Sighing you grabbed your umbrella out from under your desk. It was dry from this morning rain showers. Tired eyes wandered to the floor and the door.

"Ugh." You groaned out as your coworker brushed pass you.
You exited the building and was met to the noise of water falling down heavily and splashing onto the streets.
With a simple moment, the umbrella opened up and effectively blocked out the water from soaking your hair and clothes.
Step by step you walked talking in the little scenery their was to look at. Cars passing by sometimes tossing water onto the sidewalk onto your pant legs.

"Meow." A small voice came from under you. Quickly you looked down to see a cat with his hair matted from the rain. The cat was a tan color with a darker fluffy neck hair. He meowed again and continued to follow you as you walked, under the umbrella of course.
You gave the cat a strange glance confused. You stopped walking and the cat copied you.
He looked up with bright blue eyes and whines pawing at your pants.
"What's wrong little guy?" You asked and bent down to be face to face.
The cat's nose twitched and sneezed. Following that he pressed his face into your hand that was out to possibly pet him.
A smile came onto your face at the motion.
"I guess that's an 'I want to stay with you." You spoke in a joking tone of voice.
A mew followed your words with the cat looking up at you with bright baby blue eyes. You chuckled at the sight and moved your arm to grab the cat.
It was an awkward moment trying to carry the cat with one arm. At this moment you realized this cat was on the heavyweight side so bluntly, fat.
"Holy bloody hell you're a heavy boyo boy." You mused out puffing your cheeks out as you walked.
The cat was a good sport when you were carrying him and didn't squirm that much. He only moved when trying to get in a better position on you, probably seeking warmth as he face was now in your bust.
It was a short walk until you made it to your apartment. You practically thanked the heavens for the fact animals were allowed.
After fumbling with the keys and lock with a cat and umbrella in hand you opened the door and plopped down the tan cat. He fell with a plop on the ground and dashed off. It was a funny sight to be held as his small legs dashed and the tub of his body moved awkwardly.

You moved your body back and closed the door while gazing at the cat turning the corner into the other room. Your apartment wasn't that big, but not too small. It consisted of a joined livingroom and kitchen. While the bathroom and bedroom were accessible by a hallway that started at the halfway point of the bathroom and kitchen. There was also a small little storage room at the end of the hallway.

Exiting the foyer you say the cat had managed to get on top of the countertop and his little dirty paws left there marks. The clean and smooth wood counter was now dotted in little paw shape mud prints leading up to the cat, which was sniffing some bread you forget to put away. His pink nose touched the bread and he moved back almost shocked. You slinked into the room watching him with eyes full of wonder.

You haven't had a cat before, let alone a pet that wasn't confined to a cage of a bowl. Sure you've had friends that owned cats but this was different. If you wanted to keep this cat in your household you needed to know what cats eat. You certainly didn't have any cat food currently. Shaking your head from the daze you looked back at the heavy cat.

The cat had taken a large bite of the bread and sat his big butt down on the counter and started to help himself to the bread. Panic went through you and you quickly slide over the counter and grabbed the bread from him. Now with your torso on the counter and bread in your hands being held up and away from him, you spoke. "Don't do that! I know I found you on the street and all but don't eat this! It's probably not good for you!" You cried out to the cat.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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