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School had just ended and we were going to be moving. I didn't want to move. Moving meant I would have to leave all of my friends behind like Millie, Elle, and Anna. But my dad got a job in Los Angeles so we had to go.
"Are you sure we have to move?" I asked my mom. "Dad already has a great job here."
"Yes y/n," my mom replied. "You know this new job pays a lot more money than your dad's old job."
"I know. I'm just really going to miss my friends."
"I'm sorry sweetheart but I'm sure you will like it in L.A. We are going to have a much bigger house and there are plenty of new people for you to make friends with. Now go upstairs and get your stuff together."

The next morning was one of the worst i had ever had. I got out of bed remembering what today was and walked downstairs to get ready. After I finished getting ready, I walked down to the small coffee shop down the street to meet with my friends before I left.
"Hey y/n!" Elle yelled as I walked in the building.
"Hi Elle," I replied with sadness in my voice.
"Everything okay?" Millie questioned me.
"Yea I guess. I'm just really bummed that I have to move today," I responded.
"It'll be alright," Anna told me. "I bet there will be a bunch of cute guys in L.A.," she giggled.
I laughed when she said that. I had never had a boyfriend before this and getting one was not even a thought in my brain.
*ring ring*
That was my phone. It was my mom calling. "Hello?" I answered.
"Hey honey. We are just about ready to go so you should start heading home," my mom told me. When I heard those words my heart shattered. I knew I was moving but it just hit me that this could be the last time I ever see these girls.
"Okay, bye," I replied completely devastated. I ran over to my friends and hugged them as tears started to stream down my cheeks. I tried to be strong but I couldn't knowing I might not ever see them again. I turned around and walked out the door and waved goodbye and then walked home to where my parents where waiting for me with all of our things packed.
"Plane is boarding in an hour and a half. We better hurry if we want to catch it," my dad said frantically looking at his watch.
"Maybe I should take my time then," I mumbled under my breath.
"What was that?" my dad said.
"Nothing," I said.
The next few hours were a blur until we landed.

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