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I woke up, It all was a haze. My first furry convention, Anthrocon. I can faintly remember the people I met, It was all so colorful. I put my fursuit on again to hide my dispair as I went out to the second day of the furcon. I couldn't shake the feeling of doubt that I had as I walked through the hotel. I could feel tears building up in my eyes as I tried to stay happy. I saw a kid who appeared to be about 13 years old in the corner of the room. He noticed me and ran up to me. I briskly walked away so he couldn't see how I really felt. I watched as the kid put his head down and walked back to the corner. I felt even more guilty, I pushed away one of my fans... Who was I becoming? This isn't who I wanted to be. I tried to act like everything was fine but it wasn't. I held all of my emotions in as I walked towards the corner with the kid in it. He saw me and started to stand up. He walked away as I called out for him apologizing for how rude I was. The kid started to cry as he explained how I had helped him through all of his struggles, his depression, his attempted suicides, and his eating disorders. I felt drained. I was rude and inconsiderate to one of my fans. I couldn't hold back my emotions. I cried, and cried, and cried some more. The kid comforted me, just like I did to him. The kid took his fursuit head off and gave me a hug.

                               The end.

His name was Braylon. He was just going into highschool when he finally got over his eating disorders. Thanks James for helping me through all of my hard times.

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