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I got up and dumped my tray in the trash can. I sprawled my arms across the table with a sad look.

"What's wrong?" Gold asked me. I grunted annoyed she didn't remember even though it's just been a minute, "I already told you! I'm still hung-! Wait!"

I pulled my hair out of the bun it was in revealing the dye in my hair. I wiped my makeup off with Alec's jacket sleeve since he was sitting right next to me.

"Hey!" He yelled in protest but I ignored him.

I quickly put on some different makeup and stood up. I ran over and got in the lunch line again. "Four slices of pizza please." Smiling I walked up in the line.

"We only give a max of three!" The lunch lady shouted. "Ok then." I shrugged. I ran off after she put it on my tray not letting the lady at the register see me.

I sat back down with the Krew. "Hey, guys!"

Gold's expression changed to surprised as she spoke, "How!? Why did they believe that?!" I laughed shaking my head, as I began to shove the slices of pizza into my mouth.

"Hey, Fee, can I talk to you?" A voice asked coming over to our table. I looked up and began choking on my pizza. It was Evan who had asked to speak with me.

I felt someone patting my back as I took a sip from my water bottle. I swallowed the bite of pizza that was in my mouth before I answered, "Uh, yeah sure. What's up?"

"Uhh... I meant in private..."

This time I began choking on air. I felt someone patting my back again as they whispered to me.

"You like him don't you?" I looked up to see it had been Alec.

I looked up at my twin sister who was sitting across the table from me and made sure she was listening before I began to speak. "This sure is one heck of a catch you got yourself, Funneh," I spoke motioning to Alec. "Would be a shame if something were to happen to his pretty face," I turned towards Alec and glared at him as I stood up. I quickly led Evan out of the cafeteria and into the hallway to talk.

"So... What did you need to talk about?" I asked generally curious.

"There's something I wanted to ask you..." He spoke as he rubbed he back of his neck nervously. I nodded motioning for him to continue. "I wanted to ask you out on a date..."

"Then ask me already doofus!" I spoke honestly getting a bit annoyed that he wouldn't just ask me straight up.

"Ok! Ok!" He put his hands up in surrender letting out a small chuckle. "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

"Mmm... I'll think about it..." I swiftly turned towards the cafeteria doors and walked away. As soon as I had gone through the doors I took off towards the table that my siblings, their friends, and I had claimed as our own. I giddily forced myself into the small space between Gold and Funneh.

"So what did he want to talk about?" Funneh asked me.

I giggled. "Wouldn't you like to know..."

"Yes! I would! That's why I asked you!"

"Well I'm not gonna tell you." I giggled evily.

"Fee! Please tell me! I'm your favorite brother aren't I? I won't tell anyone!" Draco spoke trying to convince me to tell him.

"You're also my only brother, and I'm not telling you specifically because if I do you might kill someone," I spoke.

"I swear on Funneh's life I won't kill anyone!" He spoke. I shook my head and laughed.

I then felt someone kick me and looked on the direction of where the kick came from. I saw it was Alec that kicked me and I glared at him.

"Sorry," He mouthed. "But did Evan ask you on a date?" He asked still mouthing. I nodded my head to answer his question.

"Did you say yes?" He asked now speaking out loud.

"I said I'll think about it," I answered.

Everyone looked at us confused by what we were talking about.

Alec shrugged. "Either way I ship it."

Funneh then became even more confused and asked, "What do you ship?"

"Don't worry about it, sis," I spoke. Funneh shrugged and then continued to eat her food.

"Hey, what class do you have next?" Lunar then spoke up.

"Uh, I don't know, let me check," I spoke pulling out my schedule. I looked at my third period to see it said that I had study hall in room 307. "I have study hall in room 307," I answered Lunar's question.

"You have it with me and Alec!" Draco spoke with a smile.

"Cool," I spoke in a calm tone.

Alec looked at me with a mischievous look in his eyes. "Evan's also in that class," Alec said in a casual tone.

"Oh crap..." I mumbled under my breath.

Gold gave me a weird look and asked, "What was that?"

I blushed not realizing she heard me. "Oh nothing!" I responded nervously and rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.

Who says they have to know? (Evan x OC reader) (ItsFunneh fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now