kimoree is about to finish her senior year with her sister Alexis. Alexis has this boyfriend name king and he's a big time drug dealer with his dad. Kimoree has a big crush on him all throughout high school but he wanted Alexis. Kimoree and Alexis d...
These past couple days I've been trying not to act suspicious but trell making it very hard for me. Coming to come pick me up at nights. Me skipping school with him and us having amazing sex. The plan is going very smoothly and I can't wait for it to go through. I never did love king I loved his money. There's a difference. I know I'm a bad person but I really don't give a fuxk what y'all think. Y'all can kiss my ass. I was at school when trell text me asking me if I wanted to go to a basketball game tonight and I told him yes. I can finally tell him the big news. I'm jus gone tell king I'm going out with kimoree fat ass tonight.
The bell jus rung for us to be dismissed. I'm so happy this my last day of school. And ITS FRIDAY BITCHHHHHH!!! I saw king outside in his Mercedes. "Hey baby" I said as I got in. "What's up" he said as he pulled away from the school. "So I jus want to tell you I'm going out with kimoree tonight" I said as he looked at me suspiciously but he jus nodded saying cool ok. He so fucking dumb fr. But I was happy he ain have no problem or questions. We rode in silence as we got to my house. "Well I'll see you tomorrow at the party" I said. "Yea ok. Wear something sexy" he said as he winked at me. I blushed and closed the door. Lord knows I can't lie and say that man ain sexy astf but I jus can't get over trell.
I walked in the house and it was silent. I guess I'll go take a nap before I get dress.
King POV
Alexis think I'm really dumb lmao. Ik the bitch been missing school and skipping. Ik she cheating and the sad thing is I really don't give a fuck. Me and Morie been hitting it off tho jus chilling at my house. She the only girl I let see where I lay my head. I walked in the house with food. "Morie" I called out. She didn't answer. "Morie stop playing girl. Yo car outside " I yelled again taking my gun from behind my back. I took it off safety and walked upstairs into all the bedrooms and other rooms and she wasn't in there. I walked back outside to the backyard and she wasn't back there.
Me: Wya? I texted her and I went back into the kitchen putting the food in the microwave. My phone vibrated...
Morie: pool room
I don't know why I didn't think about going into the pool room. I said as I sighed and shook my head. Sometimes I be forgetting I got a indoor pool and outdoor lol.
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(Pool room☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼)
"Morie" I called out walking in. "Yes" She said as I looked at her in the pool. "Wyd" I ask. "Working out. Jus doing a few laps" she said as I nodded. I love how she dedicated to her body. I hate a sloppy looking girl. I jus sat on one of the chairs and watch her finish up. I got on instagram to kill time before I go take her shopping. I saw Iman and teyana goofing off dancing. I started chuckling. "What you laughing at my sis sent you something nasty." Morie asked. "Nahhh tbh yo Sis been acting funny lately. She told me today that she was going out with you tonight and Ik she lying bc you going with me" I said shrugging. "WhAt! Why she put me in the middle of this" she said as I shrugged "to be honest idk but imma find out" I said as Morie was coming out the pool. Why she got to dress like this? I asked my self. I'm literally finna get this girl booty in this pool.