They spoke of a crazy man who ate yellow paint because of its bright color and he thought eating it would make him happy, and everyone thought he was crazy for eating something so poisonous and toxic. The thing is, if you look at it through less judge mental eyes you will see that he is just like everyone else, who really drinks alcohol for the taste? why does the girl stay with the cheating boyfriend? or who smokes weed because it smells good? The reason is we get drunk to forget, the girl stays with the boyfriend because he makes her happy when is not cheating and we smoke weed because it makes us way happier. The point is we all look for that little bit of happiness and what we do not realize is that we are not different from that crazy man. We all are searching for our yellow paint.
Yellow Paint
PoetryShe was fierce, she was strong, she wasn't simple. She was crazy and sometimes she barely slept. She always had something to say. She had flaws and that was ok. And when she was down, she got right back up. She was a beast in her own way, but one wo...