i. darkness

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𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘯𝘦: 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴


     "WHY ARE YOU MAKING me do this, Master?" Anakin asks, the distaste clear in his young voice causing the brunette to smirk slightly. "Working with a complete stranger to the Jedi and the Senate is in no way going to end well. The Chancellor does not even know her."

     Obi-Wan chuckles slightly at his old Padawan. "It's a good learning experience, Anakin. It has been done before, but not very many times. This is an extreme circumstance."

     "None of the Council even know of the planet. 'Venus'. Really, Master? It sounds like a made up place to be honest."

     Rolling her eyes, Natalia reclines on the chair out on the balcony, staring down at the massive city. The entire planet is one city, and it makes her wrinkle her nose in disgust. There is no greenery or natural life here, and she is not sure how the planet beneath the still growing city is managing to sustain the trillions of beings on its surface.

     Closing her eyes and seeking with her mind, she can feel the planet dying slowly, but then spike up once again. Furrowing her brows, she concentrates harder, and senses the Force that is holding the planet together. Every time a new Padawan Learner becomes part of the Force properly, the life of the planet becomes sustained further.

     The Jedi are using children to fuel the planets waning life.

     Before she can investigate any further, she sense the two Jedi move closer to her. Opening her eyes, she resumes her staring down at the smog and filth filled city, her disgust increasing. Hearing footsteps behind her, she looks over her shoulder at the two men clad in Jedi robes. At the sight of Obi-Wan, an involuntary childish grin appears on her face and she rushes over to him, pulling the older man into a hug. With slight hesitation, the older man reciprocates the hug for a moment, and then pushes her back to get a glimpse of her face. When he realises who she is, he instantly pulls her back into the hug.

     "Obi," she greets, forcing herself out of his bone-crushing hug and straightening her pants and shirt. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

     The short haired man smiles, but there's anger bubbling in his eyes. "We thought you were dead. That's how long it has been, Talia."

     "Guess what, Obi? I've been alive this entire time, and I've seen you so many times, but you've been too blind to see me. I waited for you to come home, but you never did. You promised that you'd come back once you'd become a Jedi, but you didn't. That taught me never to trust anyone when they said that they were going to come back. No matter who they are."

     She watches as her foster brother's eyes sadden, but she doesn't feel a single thread of guilt for hurting the one she thought would never hurt her. They grew up together on his home planet, but, obviously, there was no way that he thought her a sister after all these years. Feeling tears of anger prick her eyes, Natalia turns away from the one she once trusted and meets the bright blue gaze of the Jedi Knight that she has been ordered to convert to the Dark Side, with the help of her former Master, Darth Sidious.

     "I'm Nat," she introduces, sticking her hand out with a massive grin. "It's going to be great working with you."

     The young Jedi seems taken aback at her forwardness. "Anakin Skywalker. It's a pleasure to meet you."

     "I know who you are, Master Skywalker. My sister never stops talking about you."

     "Sister?" His brow furrows in confusion, and the scar on his face pops slightly. "I was not informed of you having any living relatives."

     Smiling sadly, she nods. "While it's true that we are not siblings by blood, I would not change it for the world. I would not be alive today if it were not for Padmé."

     Watching shock fill his deep blue eyes, she can't help the way her stomach seems to fill with butterflies at how innocent and cute he looks. A chill sweeps down her spine as his hand brushes hers and she instantly pulls it away from him, knowing that neither of them can be involved. Well, not now at least. Once they have managed to draw him over to the Dark Side, then there is no need for the two to abstain from relationships of any shape or form. It's a harsh rule that the Jedi have, but Natalia can understand why.

     Emotions tend to cause actions that hurt others. Emotions fuel everything in this reality, and shape the way an individual turns out. As do the experiences that they have. The Past causes different perceptions on the different events that occur in their lives, and there's nothing that anyone can say or do to change that. Emotions run the way every bring thinks and sees the world, the people in it, and how they see themselves.

     Love is the most important of those emotions, and the Jedi have banned it.

     Instinctively reaching into his mind, she can feel that her old Master has already began his work on the young Jedi. The beginnings of darkness were already present within him, and her old Master has managed to nurture those embers and begin to turn them into a fire. It reminds her of herself when she was younger - utterly devoid of hatred and rage, and full of innocence, kindness and purity. 

• • • • • •

Hey superwolves.

Yes. I know. Another new story. However, this is only going to be a very short story. That means that it is going to be quite rushed, and probably filled with quite a few long monologues and flashbacks.

I only got this idea earlier today when I was cleaning up, so, I decided to write it before I completely forgot about it. I've been wanting to write an Anakin Skywalker story for a while now, and also a Kylo Ren story.

As you can see, I decided to do the Anakin one before Kylo, and that's because I am planning on connecting the two stories in some sort of way. Kind of like what I am doing with 'Terror' and 'Legacy'.

So, yeah. Enjoy, guys!

- Frosch xo -

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