His Eyes

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Mr. Blanc arrived at the door first holding her hand gun is two hands pointed down at the floor closely followed by Liam who took the other side of the door leaving me to take the middle.
There wasn't much hesitation. I met both their eyes before tensing my muscles and lifing my leg to connect with the door. I knew the Alpha was behind this door. I knew beyond knowing and I was ready to meet him and kill him.
The door slammed open and we rushed in with me in the lead guns held up and loaded with silver. My eyes scanned the room but it didn't take more than half a heart beat for me to find my target.
He stood there and suddenly my brain was crashing in on itself as out eyes met green to blue.
My vision started going black around the edges before I heard a growl. It wasn't from him but from me. A second growl joined it but it also was from somewhere else, somewhere behind us.
Blanc let out a cry as I whipped around suddenly unsteady but the black around my eyes retreating as my eyes broke away from the Alpha only to me to Alphas again but it couldn't be. This one was behind us. Two of them?
This time my world came crashing down quick and I was aware of yelling and fires being discharged as inhuman cries came from the two men who's faces I had memorized. My head hit the ground hard and I was lost to save my family once more.

Slowly I started to come back to myself. I felt pain all through my body like every inch of me was covered in a bruise. I also felt pine needles, sticks, and rocks digging into my arms and back a chill running over my skin. I finally started to realize I was in the woods.
Slowly and carefully I opened my eyes as the morning light blinded me. I groaned.
Clearly I had been running way too much lately because this was the second time I woke up in the woods after a much needed midnight run.
Then it hit me and I sat up quickly. I didn't go for a run last night. I went for my first hunt.
My breath started becoming frantic and I looked around heart racing in my chest.
I went for a hunt last night and it didn't go well.
I was naked on the forest floor and for all I knew everyone who climbed into those obvious vans with me last night was now dead. Blood rushed through my thoughts and my muscles started to tense as if waiting to spring into action or more as they kept tightening light knots threatening to snap.
"Wow easy there" a voice said. I voice I knew but never heard before and it seemed to order me to do it as it said.
My eyes snapped to the stranger and I knew his face. It was the Alpha.
A growl came up my throat in defiance of going easy as his voice ordered me to do and I bared my teeth.
"Don't shift on me again it took me long enough to find you and I don't have another set of clothes" he tried to reason but his words didn't make sense.
He had a calm around him as if I was some wild cornered animal he was tried to coax into trusting him though he also seemed far too amused with his little joke about nudity.
On the note or nudity I remember my own and tried to not freak out about it.
"Get the fuck away from me" I snapped at him jumping on to my feet daring him to break eye contact.
I heard a branch snap behind me and spun half around so that my back wouldn't be turned to the beast Alpha only to me faced with the second Alpha.
So much for the Doppelgängers being a symptom of my migraines that were even now haunting and pressing at my mind.
In the morning sun I could start to see the differences between the two men. There was a slight difference in their blue eyes, the first slightly lighter than the second to appear. One had a broader chest. The jokester had a grin playing at his lips while the second was just, intense.
"You came to us" the first Alpha reasoned.
"I came to kill you" I countered "both of you" I added trying to act like it wasn't a surprise that there were two of them.
"You couldn't kill your mates" said the second finally seeming a need to add his own opinion.
Shift? Mates? What was this nonsense they both spewed.
"Of course I could kill you. Hand me a gun and I'd be happy to show you" I retorted.
"You need a gun?" asked the first seeming genuinely curious "aren't you the hunters little attack bitch?"
Maybe it was the use of little or maybe it was the use of bitch but this guy was pissing me off a lot more than his much quieter twin.
I rushed forward with a first drawn back needing only two large steps to come into range but his hand was already up and blocking my strike. Taken aback slightly by his speed I nevertheless continued my attack and struck out a foot for his shin finding a knee braces to meet it causing me more pain than him.
I let out another growl bringing up a half decent boxing guard with two arms infront of my head which only seemed to amuse him until I brought one leg up swinging at his side.
Clearly he was expecting some boxing action and not a leg as it connected with his side brining a satisfying grunt from his lips until he grabbed my leg and pulled him up bringing me back down on the ground belly up.
My guard fell as my breath escaped him over me on the ground.
I felt his brother approach over my head.
"Now," the man holding me down said with at least some pain in his voice "listen the fuck up because I can't kill my mate so it seems we are stuck in a bit of a situation"
"I don't know what you're talking about" I grunted back aching all over again.
"Mates" the second brother said standing over us "you're our mate" he tried to clarify as if I should know exactly what he's talking about.
"Shifters don't have human mates" I came back at him. It was fairly basic knowledge that while shifters had an odd bond with their ideal life partner those were always exclusive to their species.
"You're" the first started completely bewildered before sitting up over me studying me.
"You're not human"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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