The Deal

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3 years before Erik Killmonger was killed

"Do you have the package ready" I said to Janice who was my partner in crime. "Yeah it's ready to go , we're gonna make a fortune" Janice looked eager to deliver the package. So was I but I mean jeez she could calm down some, I was already nervous because I would be meeting with my buisness partner who was dumb hot and was totally into me. But we were rivals so we could never be together and he is only my buisness partner when we could compromise. Which was almost all the time since me and him were the leaders and he had feelings for me and I him.

"Alright suit up and we're out of here in 5 GET A MOVE ON" I  yelled at my team so we could hurry because God new Erik did not like to wait.

When we got to the place we were secretly meeting up at it was empty. A wave of fear came over my face 'shit are we late?' I thought to myself. Until four black Suv's pulled up with there high beams on. I smiled bigger than I should have when I saw Erik step out of the first Suv.

"You got the package?" Erik asked smiling at me with a devilish yet pure look in his eyes. I could tell he was glad to see me too. "Yes, you got the money?" I said trying to sound as tough as possible, but Erik knew my game.  "Of course I do I all ways pull through" Erik grabbed the the brief case and opened it. It had 50 grand in it. "The package Ms.Jones" Erik said closing the case. I snapped my fingers so my team could give me the package I put it in Erik's hands and backed up. "You ain't playing me are you" Erik said raising one eye brows. "Of course not i have never " I said putting my hands on my hips

"Good, aye every body clear out of here" Erik barked at his team. They did as they were told and soon all of his cars were gone except the one he drove. "Aren't you gonna handle that" Erik pointed at my team

"Yall good clear out" I said circling my hand in a motion to which they knew to leave. And then it was just us, me and Erik.....Alone

"The case with the money please" I said pointing at the case still in his left hand. "Oh here " he gave it to me and I walked to my car and put it in.

"Nice doing buisness with you" I said while walking to the other side to get in. "Come on now you know that is not how we end our deals Ms. Jones" Erik walked over to me and put his hand on the door so that it wouldn't open.

"You know we can't keep doing this"

"Doing what?"

Erik started to kiss my neck and leave hickeys. "This, this exactly we can't keep doing" I tried to push his head away but he was too strong and really wanted me. He pulled my skirt and my underwear down.

"Says who?" Erik stopped so he could look into my face
"Says our team , says our rival we had going on for century's" I said looking Erik in the eyes. Me and Erik had been seeing eachother on the low, we always sealed our deals with sex. I know it's usually a kiss but what can I say Erik was determined.

"Princess, I don't give a damn who don't like us together if I want you imma have you" Erik said and he started kissing my neck again.

"Fine but this is the last time" I said as he reached down and started to rub my clit.

"That's what you always say" Erik said as started to finger me.........

New story hope you like the first part sorry if it was a little dry I had to open up the story and introduce everyone feel free to comment what you think will happen and vote ENJOY 🤗❤

The man I call Erik Killmonger Where stories live. Discover now