"Forever You"

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Scorching summer evening and after a long tiring day Uchiha Sasuke finally got to return back home.
These days he's posted within the village due to some internal affairs.
HELL! all this work was getting on his nerves. To him work outside the village is way easier and far better then all this paper work crap at the hokage office. Guess now he understood why Naruto's whining has increased within the recent years. Family time is all he crave these days.
As soon as he opened the door, a familiar delicious smell of cooking food surrounded his nostrils.
Ahh!!~ What a feeling it is when you've got a home to return to... a family waiting for you.. to greet you back when you return.. the smiles.
As he made silent steps inside.. from living room to the kitchen.. a familiar back.. a sweet humming voice...
Sakura! There she is~~

His presence remained unnoticed by his wife as she was busy chopping tomatoes and the song; he could recognize the notes, she often mentions about that artist.. ahh! What was his name again?
"These are my favorite" exclaimed Sasuke in his deep husky voice as he sneaked his way towards her and ate one of the red pieces from the plate.

Startled by the voice, Sakura turned abruptly

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Startled by the voice, Sakura turned abruptly ....
"Okairi Sasuke kun, when did you came back?"

"Minutes ago" he told.

"Oh I see. Dinner is almost ready anata. Get your hands and face washed meanwhile I'll place it on the table."

Suddenly he realizes something, his kawaii peanut is missing!!!!
"Where is Sarada?"
This man who's preferred silence throughout his life is now so accustomed with the constant questioning nagging and talks of his daughter that somehow her absence is making him quite anxious.

"Oh Sarada!! She'll be staying overnight at Choji's. Don't worry she'll be back by tomorrow. Her friends have planned an overnight stay." Sakura answered quite excited herself. Its rare even for Sarada to spent time leisurely with friends.

But somehow this concerned Sasuke. "Is she with the boys?" It was quite clear that no matter how ignorant he acts but the fact that he's a father and this over protective feeling was taking over him which of course came as a big surprise for Sakura. "Oh! no its ChoCho and other girls. It's a girls night out, you don't know Sasuke kun. (haha)"

"What?" Now this laugh by his wife is kinda suspicious.
Meanwhile Sakura who seemed sort of amused with her husband's questioning asked
"Is that a daughter complex Sasuke kun?? I've heard that fathers these days are quite overprotective towards their daughters. That's so unlike you."
Taken aback by her words and some self realization he tries to clarify his point and states "It's nothing like that."
Sakura still amused, stares directly in his eyes but one can easily tell that something else too has taken over her mind meanwhile.

"What's the matter." asked Sasuke as he grew concerned, "Something's troubling you?"
" No Sasuke kun its nothing big. At least not anything important."
"I'm asking what is the matter Sakura." this time his voice demanding.

"Sasuke kun It's just.. just.. I suddenly remembered our past selves. You know.. You. Me. I know.... I know it shouldn't concern me now but it just crossed my mind. You know that time you were so keen about not making any bonds and then there was me?? I used to be so starry eyed, naive, totally unaware with the harsh realities of life. A time when you used to hate us hate me so much. I was so afraid. Over years I used to think can I bring you back?? Can we still go back to times we became friends. Will.. will there really be any time when you'll return?? Is there anything I could've done to snatch you out from the darkness or was it the end?? When was the point where we started losing you or if I've lost you forever. Those times were really tough. There was so much on my mind and everything was so unpredictable.
And now..... Now when I see you, see us.... together like this.. having a family, sharing a place, spending time together, our child.. as if nothing's ever happened.. sometimes it feels too good to be true. And then there's also the thing... how long will this last? will we remain like this forever? What if some day I loose you again? I know it's pathetic of me to think this way but its just I can't control all these thoughts."

Sasuke himself moved by her words explains, "Sakura it's not just you... it.. it happens with me too. Times when I feel like am I being selfish? All these years I've kept you waiting for so long. Do I even deserve this happiness?? You? or Sarada?? Are you both really happy with me? Danger's within the village too and then I've left you all alone when I'm out. Will I be there when you need me??
I used to be so full of myself, getting powerful, taking revenge that's all what was on my mind. Then what you even loved about me?? I severed the ties with people who cared about me, who loved me, who wanted me to accomplish the best. And you.... because of me you got years of hard time... full of pain, hurt, neglection, sadness, ignored... everything which you didn't even deserved. I've hurt you to the point of no return, still when everyone just hated me, you stood there always in favor of me, always believed me, concerned about me.
How much I owe you I can't even tell."

"Sasuke kun we both have so many questions insecurities.. but you know what I always think to assure myself??
That even after so many hardships, wars, bitterness, pain nothing could rip us apart. Somewhere in our hearts we've always belonged to each other. Maybe it was fate that bound us together. No matter how far we've been or for countless years to wait... I still knew that it was always you."

A long silence lingered in their surroundings as the couple reminisced about their time together and apart, Sasuke spoke
"You want to go for a walk?"
Sakura baffled by this sudden question, "but dear, its quite late and the dinner??."
"Yes or no Sakura? We can eat when we return."
"Ohh!! Ok then we should go."

As the night came upon the sky, the cool breeze took over the hot airs. No one could tell that it was the same day when the afternoon was so unbearably hot.

"The air feels so nice. Its so calm and cool. Ohh how much time has passed since I went on a walk like this.
We often used to go on a walk like this before our wedding (haha) Ah!! those younger days. It's like I never want to leave this moment Sasuke kun."

Lost in her own little world, she's brought out by Sasuke's answer....
"Then don't."
Gazing in her emerald orbs pushing her cherry pink locks behind her ears.
"Time with you feels like forever Sakura."

Now this was a total shock to Sakura because since when did the Uchiha pride has gone so cheesy!!!!
Showing his signature smirk suddenly his lips locked with Sakura's.
All this still too much for her but none of them wanted to pull apart. Till they finally gasped out for air.
"I love you Sakura."
his deep voice.. near her ears.. pin drop silence everywhere just the sounds of those summer insects, leaves rustling and their heartbeats equally audible.

"Me too. Sasuke kun. More and more each day."

Their lips met again. An explosion. It was as if only these two existed in the whole world.

"It's beyond my control Sasuke kun. I can't take it anymore."

"Let's go back."


The return was quite hurried. The dinner totally forgotten lying in the kitchen. Their body heat piling up with every passing second. Both on the verge of losing their minds.

It was a really long night for the couple (the Uchihas being a beast even in the bed...) till they ran out of strength.

After all they had a lot to catch up.
Together, legs tangled, bodies covered with sweat, hot, flushed, red, in each other's arms....
but both thinking the same thing...

for forever, it'll be you.


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