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- Sehun's P.O.V. -

I couldn't sleep for these 2 days. She would always pop into my mind when I close my eyes. I couldn't concentrate when we were practicing our new dance. It's going to be our comeback soon so we needed to work extra hard. Just one problem though, Sze Yean.

I decided to talk to Luhan hyung today. I turn off my laptop and walked to the living room.

' Luhan hyung~ Where are you? ' I shouted.

Suho hyung finally walked out from his room and said, ' Luhan? He went out sometime ago. '

' Where? ' I asked.

' I don't know. He didn't say where he was going. '

I sighed and sat on the couch next to Kai.

' Wanna play games? ' Kai asked while tossing me a controller. I shook my head and tossed it back to him.

' Oh come on Sehun! I can't get over the fact that you won last time! Just let me win this time? ' He begged.

' Sorry, hyung. I'm not in the mood. Why don't you go back to your house and play with your dogs? ' I joked.

Kai hyung scoffed and went to the kitchen.

The front door opened and Luhan hyung came in. I ran to him and asked, ' Where did you go, hyung? ' He raised his hand up and showed me two bubble teas. My face lit up and I immediately took the chocolate one from his hands.

' Thanks, hyung. ' I said. I pulled him into my room and I sat on the bed. I took a sip of the bubble tea and looked at him.

' Hyung, we need to talk. ' I said.

' I knew it was coming. ' He commented while hanging his coat in the closet.

' You're very confused about what's wrong. You want to cheer her up. You feel guilty. ' He added. I gasped. This hyung knows me too well.

' I can see it in your eyes and actions. ' He said.

I sighed and looked at the ground.

' You see, hyung. I know she's upset about me but I don't know why. It hurts when I see her cry. Now she ignores me everyday. '

' Sehun-ah. I want you to find out the cause yourself. I saw everything that day, and I know why she's upset. But, I won't tell you. Recall what you did that day. '

' Hyung, you mean, what I did at the party? ' I asked. He nodded. I leaned against my pillow and started to murmur things.

' I picked her up... Gave her my coat... We talked... She was still happy... I talked to Joo Young... I kept on talking to Joo Young until the end of the party. ' I raised my head and looked at Luhan hyung. He nodded.

' You ditched her. Completely. ' Luhan hyung said.

' But...I didn't know..I was just talking to Joo Young. It was nice to talk about our childhood and her life in New York. ' I said.

' Uh-huh. You also danced with her, remember? Sze Yean also knows that she's your ex. I told her. ' I looked at Luhan hyung.

' What? Why would you- ' He raised up his hand and cut me off.

' Look, if I didn't tell her, the situation would be worse. She would think that you left her and went to flirt with a stranger. '

' Oh... '  I said. It was my fault. Why would I not know?

' Hyung, what should I do? ' I asked. He sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulder.

' Aigoo my little dongsaeng! Such a failure love life! ' He ruffed my hair and chuckled.

' I doubt that you're a success in love life, so don't comment about me. ' I scoffed. He chuckled again and said, ' You never know... '

- Sze Yean's P.O.V. -

》Fast Forward 》

' I'm okay. Yes. I have enough money. I'm doing good in my studies. Yes. I know. Don't worry. Bye! '

It's been sometime since my parents called. It was nice to hear their voices after such a long time. I actually started to miss them.

I sighed and walked to my kitchen. It was lunch time and I decided to cook something to eat. I suddenly remembered that when once he requested me to cook for him and his hyungs. Maybe I can go now...NO! That guy is a jerk! I walked to my fridge and took out some kimchi. Kimchi stew is good.

Suddenly, my doorbell rang as I was cutting the kimchi. I let out a small groan and washed my hands. I opened my door and 12 boys walked in.

' Wah !! It smells like kimchi! ' D.O. said.

' What are you cooking? ' Xiumin asked.

' Umm...Kimchi stew. ' I answered.

' Omo! I'm drooling! Can we stay for lunch? ' Baekhyun asked.

' Please? ' Chanyeol asked, smiling brightly.

' Okay. ' I sighed.

They cheered.

' Aigoo... ' I sighed as I was seasoning the kimchi stew. I'm not a really stingy person, but I needed to feed 12 boys. Which means I need to use a lot of my ingredients! I just went grocery shopping yesterday! Now most of the food in my kitchen is gone. I'm starting to regret quitting my job at night as a waitress. I have enough money in my saving account, but... At least I can sleep for more hours, right?

' Mmm~ It smells good ! ' Luhan exclaimed as he walked into the kitchen.

' Thanks. ' I murmured.

' Hmm... You can be a good sister-in-law! ' He said again.

' What? ' I asked. Is he saying he wants me to be with Sehun? I blushed.

' But, seriously, Sze Yean-ssi. Sehun is regretting a lot right now. ' He said. I put the lid on the pot and faced Luhan.

' He knows? You told him? But you said you'll-  '

' He found out himself. Well, sort of. I only have him hints. I told him to think about what he did. '

' Oh. ' I said. After a minute of silence, Luhan opened his mouth again.

' Hey, umm... If he apologises, just forgive him, okay? He's a good kid, and he's really sorry for what he did. He's really hurt. ' I stayed quiet for a moment. Something poked my heart. He's hurt. That's what Luhan said. He's really hurt. Sehun is hurt.

' Okay. ' I said.

》Fast Forward 》

They are whole heartedly. It was seeing them enjoy what I cooked. My dining table could only fit 6 people, so we took turns.

' Ahh~ I'm so full! ' Chen said as he rubbed his stomach.

' Hey, isn't it time for her to be your slave again? ' He asked. I just remembered. It was December already. A new month.

' Y-Yeah.. ' Sehun said softly. He looked at me and I quickly turned my head to avoid eye contact with him.

' Well then, since you are Sehun's slave, and I'm his hyung, I can order you around too, right? ' Chen asked again.

Sehun slapped his arm but Chen kept talking anyway.

' I order you to cook for us more often! You're better than Kyungsoo! ' D.O. glared at him while I nodded. I looked at the wall clock to check the time. Oh no.

' Oh no I'm almost late for work! ' I shouted and jumped.

' Oh then go change now! Faster! ' Suho shouted. He's really like a mother sometimes.

' Yeah, don't worry about us! We will wash the dishes for you! ' Tao said.

' And lock up when we leave. ' Lay added.

' We'll take care of your house! ' Kris said. I stared at them. I can trust them, right?

' Okay then. Thanks! ' I said as I ran to my room.

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