chapter 1-the shift

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All I could see was darkness, I felt a change in temperature and in my body I was no longer human I am wolf. Something was different about me, as I slowly opened my eyes I realised I was in a forest so I ran. My ears started twitching, my nose sniffing, sweat dripping, mouth panting. It seemed I was just going in circles the never ending maze of trees. All I could think about was how I got here. I remembered nothing. Something extremely strange happened that day, my first full shift. It has been three years since then and still I have been alone. I am still fighting to find my memries of how I got in that forest in the first place but only time will tell, everything is conected after all. Oh sorry I forgot to introduse myself I'm Lexi Knight - protector of forests and my pack of one. I felt like something was wrong I smelt a new sent one I have never smelt before. It was undead. Normaly vampires and I get along they help me out sometimes but this wasent the sent of a vampire oh no it was the sent of some thing difrent the sent of something supernatrule something like a syren-demon i had only red about them in books as it peered around the tree i was fulled with fear i have never seen one in real life. I howl to alow the vampires know im in trouble the only respond to my howl and my howl only they here they helped me survive when i first woke up in the middle of the forest. I here faint srceeming off in the distance they where comming i shifted back to my human form so the vampires could reconise me but yet i was still afraid.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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