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Quick recap-


Maya looked at me and crossed her arms and raised brows at me.

"explain." She said.

God save me!!

The bell rang and saved me.


She mouthed me 'later'.







God save me!


I turned my face and looked at the boy smiling innocently at me.

Ashton freaking Ryder.

"What?" I hissed.

"Do you have a pencil?" He asked.

"Do you think me fool or do I look like one, huh?" I asked, actually snapped.

"No, you look like a hot girl when you are angry. You know that?" he said and winked and placed his palm under his chin and sighed dramatically. I poked a finger at him.

"You-." My history teacher cut in between perfect timing Miss.!!

"Care to tell the class, which important topic you two were discussing."

She snapped.

"Sorry Mrs. Smith. He was disturbing me." I hung my head low.

"What disturbance did you create Mr. Ryder, this time?" she glared at both of us.

"Amelia if it wasn't you I would have punished you two hard." She said with a sigh.

"Well anyways, next time it will not be tolerated!" She said and continued to whatever she was writing on the board.

I buried my face in my hands.

God, this is my first scolding.

Mrs. Smith claps her hands to gain attention.

"Alright class. I want to make an announcement. So this is all about a project which you have to submit on the end of the year. So basically this project have your 35% of scoring, other 5% are for your behavior and how much attention you pay, and lastly rest are based on your pen-paper test." She said. O god! 35% it's very much. I guess.

No dumb it IS very much.

Yeah yeah.

"So without wasting time, I ask you all to switch your seats with those whom you want to be partnered. And yeah I will give you just five minutes, from now, and yeah after this whole year you cannot change your seats. So go this is your last chance. And yeah, when I say freeze that means, the time is over and un-settled will have to sit as I make them sit. Understand! Now shuffle." She said and desperately watched her watch. I looked at Sandra. She looked at me. I shoved my things in my bag pack immediately and stood up.

But Ashton caught my arms and pulled me back and I stumbled back and fell, not on the seat, I fell on his lap.

His freaking lap.

I wiggled out, but see everything is on its place, me on his lap, and he on his seat and class shuffling.

For a moment I looked in his eyes and went deep.

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