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"I'm with Hansollie!" Seungkwan grabbed his said man's little hand, and declared loudly to the 11 other boys in the room, with the brightest grin on his face.

"What are you talking about Seungkwan! That sounded so wrong!" Hansol blushed, lightly hitting the loud latter on the shoulder.

"What?! It's true! We're in a team!" Seungkwan whined and rubbed his the other hand on the spot where he just got hit.

"What were you thinking hansol?" Mingyu suggested wriggling his eye brow, with the most annoying smug hansol ever seen in his entire life.

"Not...Nothing at all!" Hansol stuttered as he realised what a silly thought he had that appeared briefly on his mind.

"Aish, Hyung just stop teasing hansol, let's just get to the game already!" Seungkwan interrupted upon seeing mingyu wanting to continue on with a sensitive topic.

"ooooohhhh! Its SeungSol again! Kwannie protecting his little Hansollie!" Soonyoung and SeokMin teased creating a weird dance, that involves making hearts with their all four limbs.

Seungkwan then threw the deathliest glare at the duo hoping to stop the teasing.

"Boys, stop teasing them, let's start the game and end it before dinner alright?" it was Seungcheol that saved them this time. Seungkwan then shot a thankful smile towards his hyung, at the same time making a secret note to treat his hyung a drink for saving him next time.

----------The Game ended------------

"Team Seungsol lost!!! Yay!!! Punishment time for them!! " Mingyu screamed at the top of his voice, he was so happy, because he claimed to be the president of the Seungsol shipping club. To get them punished, means to get them to do couplely actions that they will never agree on doing. That was what Mingyu wished for his christmas.

Seungsol did not lost on purpose, the duo tried their best to avoid the most suspicious looking ones. However, the luck wasn't on their side. The game they played was Russian roulette, that one game that no one could predict who would win or lose.

Perhaps it's fate, it was meant to be, for the two to do the punishment. The punishment was then decided by Mingyu, the president of Seungsol shipping club. It was the classic punishment, the peppero game.

{Damnit!!!! Urghhhh! Out of so many punishments you choose that? Seriously Mingyu?!} Hansol secretly cursed.

{Furthermore, it's with kwannie! I'm so dead man.} he blushed upon thinking that beautiful face that he dreamt every night would be so close to him in the next few seconds.

"Hyungs, can we do another punishment please?" Seungkwan voiced out to the excited crowd.

Hansol stared at seungkwan's side view after hearing what he said. He thought { is he my mind reader or something? How did he know I didn't want to do that punishment? Or maybe he didn't want to do it with me either...}

"Why kwannie? I thought you loved that game!" Jeonghan said in a concerned voice, placing a comforting hand on seungkwan's shoulders.

"Just.... Erm.... I'm sick! You see..." Seungkwan tried his best to force out some coughs, and he sniffed so that it seemed like he had a cold.

"Oh god, seungkwan, why didn't you tell me earlier? I have to inform the noonas you know that?" Seungcheol then stepped out walking towards seungkwan, stretching his hand to touch seungkwan's forehead to check his temperature.

Seungkwan immediately moved away from his touch, and quickly uttered " I'm fine, I'm fine, I have taken some pills. Don't worry, just that I don't want to have close contact with Hansol. In prevention of him catching my cold."

Hansol melted in seungkwan's kind words. He thought {I see, it was because he was sick. He didn't want me to catch his cold, not because he didn't like me.... Shit! What am I thinking! Stop it Chwe Hansol!}

"Since kwannie is sick, let's just forget about punishing them. We will punish the other loser instead!" Jeonghan suggested excitedly, after escorting the 'sick' seungkwan to the side to rest.

"But we don't have another loser do we?" Joshua reminded the absent minded jeonghan, it's Russian roulette, there was only one loser.

"It's okay, there's always one loser, team wongyu, you guys will do it!" Jeonghan exclaimed, he just really wanted to see someone doing the punishment. It was the cherry top of every other cake, why not this?

"But... We didn't lose!" Wonwoo blurted out, he won the game! He didn't want to do the punishment! Only fools would do punishments if they had won.

"Alright kids, enough of games. We should take a short break and move out for dinner." Seungcheol then distinguished the growing fire from the boys before it started. "Okay Hyung." All of them answered in one voice.

Within the next seconds everyone scattered into doing their own things. Jihoon chasing Mingyu with his guitar, seungcheol trying to stop the kids, while jisoo is silently sending his prayers. Jeonghan trying to annoy the shit out of Dino by calling him "his baby". Junhao just trying to teach soonseok some Chinese, wonwoo is just staring at the mirror of the practice room.

Meanwhile there's Hansol, drawing his eyes to his Favourite mankind. Seungkwan. He have no idea when he start to have this bad habit, his gaze will always unknowingly follow that familiar silhouette which seems like the most valuable art to him.

That boy slowly made his way to the water dispenser, fanning himself with his elegant hand made him looked more feminine. He bend over and took a sip of water, of which didn't want to cooperate with him. When he looked up, his collar was drenched with water, making him looking even hotter than the ladies who wore bikini during summer.

{OH SHIT!} Hansol choked on his saliva, with the heat building up, he quickly turned away from that tempting sight.

"This is so wrong, what is wrong with you CHWE HANSOL!" he screamed at himself.

Then he get a warm hand patting his left shoulders, a sweet voice was heard.

"Hansollie, you alright?"

Hansol froze, his heart began to beat faster, as if he just ran for three days straight. "Yeah..." He uttered, hoping that seungkwan would drop the topic. "It's okay if don't feel like saying it. You can always talk to me okay? Don't be afraid, I'm your Best Friend after all!" He beamed with an angelic smile.

That single moment. The time had stopped. That very moment, Hansol was overwhelmed with feelings. This very moment, he forgot what was breathing.

"Hansollie? Hansollie? Hansollie?" Seungkwan worried, he shook the stoned Hansol lightly. "Oh my god Hansol! You are bleeding!" He screamed, that was when Hansol came back to reality. "Quick, let's bring you to the noonas." He informed and aid him while alerting his Hyung about the bleeding man.

That was pre-debut. Where all the fans and members were secretly shipping Seungsol. Where both of them had that mutual innocent feeling. Where the world could be as simple as Seungsol, and their dreams.

To Be Continued :3

Hope y'all have enjoyed reading ~ Stay tuned for the next chapter :D

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