Field trip (2)

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Authors POV: the whole class rest dont worry the room is big time skips Gfriend went to the restaurant at the hotel
Yerin: lets sit here
Umji: so what do you guys want?
Sowon: well i want everything
Y/N: umm unnie we cant eat that much food
Sowon: fine
Yuju: I'll just take a pasta
Sinb: i want sausage with egg
Eunha: same i will take what sinb said
Y/N: i want chicken!!!
Umji: well i also want chicken
Eunha: so how about you yerin unnie
Yerin: I'll take egg with rice
Sowon: fine I will also take pasta but my drink is coffe
Gfriend: ok
*ordered food*
Jk: so since were done eating lets hed to the area where we have to meet
Jin: but im still hungry *pout*
Bts: aishhh this hyung
Time skips
Teacher: so everyone here???
Class: yesss
Teacher: so since its about nature you will slit up and take pictures of nature
Class: ok
Authors POV: Gfriend got ready you decided to wear this

 Authors POV: the whole class rest dont worry the room is big time skips Gfriend went to the restaurant at the hotelYerin: lets sit hereUmji: so what do you guys want?Sowon: well i want everything Y/N: umm unnie we cant eat that much food Sowon: f...

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Teacher: ok you may now slit up but make sure you stay with your group understand!!!
Class: yess
Teacher: ok you may start now
Yerin: were should we go first?
Sinb:*while looking at the map* how about the grassy land?!
Y/N: what a weird name but i think its worth it for the project
Umji: i agree with Y/N unnie
Eunha: well lets go!
Sowon: wait
Yuju: what is it
Sowon: im gonna bring food!
Gfriend: aishhh
Sowon: please, fine ill bring water but i will get at our room
Y/N: unnie pls hurry up
Sowon: ok
Authors POV: sowon was walking at the room
Until she heard conversation she decided to eves drop
Girl 1: boss are you there
Boss: yess
Girl 2: when are we gonna kidnap the boys
Sowon: boys? *i mumbled*
Boss: we will kidnap them at the right time
Sowon: *message pop up*

Teacher: ok you may now slit up but make sure you stay with your group understand!!! Class: yess Teacher: ok you may start now Yerin: were should we go first?  Sinb:*while looking at the map* how about the grassy land?! Y/N: what a weird name but ...

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Eunha: did you text her
Sowon: aishh
Yerin: oh there she is
Sinb: unnie what took you so long?
Sowon: nothing lets go
Authors POV: bts went to the grassy land
They saw Gfriend ther and suga decided to take a pic of the nature but accidentally took a picture of Gfriend btw it was raining

  *imagine you were at the middle*  Suga: omo Jin: why what happened  Suga: ah— nothing! Just want to um— oh look jin free food  Jin: what where?!?! Jk: hyungs tie him up  Authors POV: Gfriend were done with the project quickly but they still have...

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*imagine you were at the middle*
Suga: omo
Jin: why what happened
Suga: ah— nothing! Just want to um— oh look jin free food
Jin: what where?!?!
Jk: hyungs tie him up
Authors POV: Gfriend were done with the project quickly but they still have 2 days bts is still not yet done but time is up its almost 6:00
They need to go back to the hotel
Teacher: ok is some of you done with the project!?!?
Gfriend: were done
Class: they finish so fast
Jhope: wow they are smart *i mumbled*
Teacher: ok very impressed
Authors POV: the next day Gfriend decided to rest well of course their done 1 more day and they are gonna go home bts decided to start their project early but their girlfriends went somewhere
Jin: umm where are you going?!
Girl 1: umm to our bos— i mean project duh *dumbfounded*
Jin: oh ok well we get going
Bts: bye
Girls: bye Oppas
Sowon: since we are done how about lets go to the spa
Sinb: there's a spa?!?!
Yerin: yes there is a spa inside this hotel
Umji: is Y/N unnie still sleepi—
Gfriend: shhh
Yuju: you might wake up the sleeping beauty
Y/N:what are you guys talking about?! *rubbing my eyes*
Gfriend: shoot we messed up!
Y/N: well its ok but i heard from sowon Unnie there's a spa
Eunha: well lets go!
Authors POV:you all decided to get ready you wear this

  *imagine you were at the middle*  Suga: omo Jin: why what happened  Suga: ah— nothing! Just want to um— oh look jin free food  Jin: what where?!?! Jk: hyungs tie him up  Authors POV: Gfriend were done with the project quickly but they still have...

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Authors POV: so tim skips to night
Teacher: ok so again is anyone done with the project!
Boy 1: teacher *sniff* we found *sniff* the old karate teacher dead at the park *crying*
Teacher: what well um lets all sleep get to your room
Y/N: guys who killed our old teacher?
Sowon: idk well since tomorrow is the last day lets rest
*Time skip to going home*

Where did bts's girlfriends went and who did killed the old teacher is bts finally developing feelings for Gfriend find out in the next episode of

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