Chapter 14: Rescue Mission

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Me: ok back with chapter 14!
Cole: Something's different...
Zane: your right...
Me: What is it the fact that literally nothing is wrong! I know! There is no drama or anything right now!
Jay: it's quiet...
Ria: I can fix that!
Rai: alright alright.
Me: welp let's just start the chapter!
Chapter 14: Rescue mission.
"Um hey Hayden, have the ninja been here?" Kai asked. They were outside descosing plans.
"Not that I know of why?" Hayden replied.
"Look." Kai pointed at the engraving that Cole had created. All it was, was a giant stone with an engraving on it. "This is the symbol" he pointed to the engraving. "This is the samurai-x symbol. I believe the ninja have been here!"
"Hey guys come look at this!" Hayden called to the other 5. "Kai says that it is a ninja symbol."
"I don't remember that ever being there." Darvon said.
"They are ninja, they're sneaky." Lucas said. "We should expect to see them agaimn."
"Probably came looking for Kai." Marisa whispered to Lucas. "They will probably be back today we should get ready for a fight. And we can't lose Kai. He is our key to winning."
"Alright everyone prepare for a fight." Lucas said aloud.
"Look, their they're and... there's... Kai." Cole said. Nya was riding with Jay of course.
"This must be their hideout, but it looks like they know we are coming. Look Kia found the engraving." Zane pointed out.
"I knew that would happen." Nya said quietly. Jay heard her though, but choose not to say anything. They watched from a distance as they prepared to fight the ninja.
Kai suddenly felt the ninjas, or at least his sisters, presence. He debated telling Lucas and ended up deciding that they should let the ninja come out when they were ready. Rai saw Kai staring and went over to him.
"What are you doing, get ready! Do you see something. Are the ninja here?" Rai asked him.
"Oh sorry, just... mind wandered." Kai lied. He got back to work.
At the same time Nya felt that Kai saw them. She wanted to say something but she decided to let Lloyd decide when they should attack.
"Alright everyone, we are not here to fight. We are here to get back Kai. He will put up a fight so we might end up having to knock him out first, but fight if necessary. Let's go in." Lloyd said.
Kai saw them coming and shouted "They are here!" The Dark Six came rushing out of their hideout to fight. The ninja landed and the fight began. Though the ninja tried to prevent the fight, they had no choice. Each person fought their counter and Kai and Hayden came into random fights every here and there to help out. The ninja saw that Nya was having trouble fighting Morisa, as she was still early in her training. When the ninja saw necessary, they would hit Morisa with their power to help. The fight went on like this for awhile and the wrong side was winning. Just then, Zane hit Marisa's feet with an ice blast, causing her to not be able to move.
"Kai, a little help over here!" Marisa shouted. Kai came over and started to melt the ice.
"KAI!" Nya shouted. He looked over with a stern face. Suddenly he seemed exposed and his eyes flickered from red to normal. He seemed to feel weak all of a sudden.
"Kai focus!" Marisa shouted in his ear. He looked at her, and...
"Sorry Marisa, looks like you put your trust in the wrong person!" with that, Kai elbowed her in the stomach and ran over to his sister. They hugged.
"Come on guys! Lets go!" Lloyd said after noticing Kai was back to normal. They all created their dragons and flew off, but when Kai tryed, he couldn't.
"Kai are you ok?" Nya said.
"Ya i just can't create my dragon right now. Come on!" and with that they ran off. The Dark Six started after them, but Lucas called them back.
"Look like we will have to win a different way. Time for plan B."
Me: So how did you all like chapter 14?
Kai: I'm back to normal baby!
Nya: what is plan b?
Me: Like I'll ever tell! I don't do spoilers! So anyway I do have something I need to ask.
Jay: ya?
Me: So I have been working on the start of my OC story.
Me: Ya but I don't know if I should post it next or not.
Cole: Just ask the comments.
Me: ok comment people, what do you think? The next chapter is called Story's To Tell btw! Thankies!

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