The Slap of Fate!

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Guys before I begin thanks a lot for keeping me in your prayers. I feel so much better. Your wishes were like a tonic to my body. I dont know you all well. You dont know much about me. Still we are connected to each other due to our talent, skills and shared passion for Arshi. Distance really makes the heart grow fonder.😍😍😘😘 Alhamdulilah I am back. Will keep entertaining you with my work. Love you all!

Khushi POV

I stood still holding the left rear view mirror of the SUV. The sun was about to set. The day was ending. We were witnessing twilight. Yup we were. Me and Arnavji had come here to spend another day with each other but right now I wish I could just run away from everything. The beautiful aura. Our togetherness. Arnav. Everything.

We were discussing how we became each others life. He told me all about our not so hateful relationship. And I accepted all of it. Trying to be rational and practical. However, when he mentioned about Lavanya Kashyap..his ex...I just wanted to throw up. Did he just say that I used to visit his house to train his would be bride??? What kind of secret dirty relation did we share???? He was about to get married and I was falling for him??? Did we break Lavanyas trust? Or was I just a plaything? So many things were running in my mind.

"Talk Arnav. Talk. I want to hear out everything."
I stated in a firm tone. Revealing nothing about the chaos in my brain.

From the corner of my eye I saw him walking towards me. One step. Two steps. Another. And finally another. He stopped just a feet away from me giving me the needed space. He faced away towards the sun that said goodbye to the day. A deep sigh later he started his explainations.

"Khushi. Khushi I know this is not something that you imagined for us. I am really sorry to burst your happiness. But I promised I wont hide anything from you. And I will try and fulfil it. Khushi like I mentioned earlier I was running away from you. From your presence, my feelings and our love for each other. So like the fool I was rather than accepting the fact that I...we share something really strong I planned a live-in with Lavanya. We had a very platonic relationship mind you. I was never in love with her. And then on my family's insistence I asked Lavanya to move in. My family thought that making her live with me will change my opinion about love and marriage. However all my attempts to keep you away from me failed since you started training Lavanya. As a fact you two shared a really beautiful friendship. You managed to instill your beliefs and values into her. This made my family very happy. And on the other side your every action and belief made me fall for you all the more. I announced my engagement with Lavanya when I realized how close I was to almost admit my feelings for you."

Hearing his words I sighed. So I did not really ruin anything for the two. The three of us were just playing puppets to the fate.
"I thought..I thought I was responisible for breaking your relation. I thought I was your dirty secret and nothing else."
I admitted my insecurities in a soft and sad voice.

A second later I felt Arnavs firm hands on my shoulders. I looked up only to lock eyes with my favourite pair of chocolate orbs filledn with guilt and hurt.
"No. NO. YOU WERE NEVER A DIRTY SECRET. I promise. YOU WERE NOT. I was just a coward Khushi. I was not ready to admit what I felt for you. Until..."

His eyes were bulging out with every word. As if trying to make me understand each and every scenario of my unknown past.
"Until what??"
I immediately questioned.

"Khushi after I got engaged you were heartbroken. I could see it in your tears and fake smile. And you gave up with your questions about us. The ASR within me became happy that I was able to draw a line between us. But alas things took a drastic turn when days later I got to know from you that you got engaged. That was the most terrible moment of my life. You were engaged to someone else. YOU WERE NO LONGER MINE. I HATED THAT FEELING. It was the SLAP OF FATE on my face. From then on I began insulting and humiliating you. That was again my way of bullying you as you put it for getting engaged."
He said in one breath.

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