Photo Shoot and.....Weird Orphanages.....

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Song for this chapter:

First Day Of My Life-Sung by Anna Scouten

This time, Comment instead of vote. Comment on how much you liked the Orphanages and which was ur favorite.....Lolz

                   Chapter six

                    Jason POV:

We make it to the shoot. Late. Like usual.... So of course, after a famous 'talk' from Frank, once again, We do the photos. And let me tell you....Its much in a lifetime you'll hear a guy say 'Cute'. But honestly, the pics were so cute! And I dont care how much I sound like a girl right now.

But my favorite one is with Jordin in an orange shirt on my back. We are both smiling. But Jordin?

'I wonder what is thinkin bout these pictures?'

I dont even think she is paying attention though. I wish she would see the perfectness in it. I wish I knew what she was thinking.

                  Jordin POV: 

The pics we took....BEAUTIMOUS!

(Beautiful+ Gorgeous....You know dis Arlie!)

The we're....just....I dont even know! But I having a hard focusing on that. I was really just wondering what it would look like if our child was in that picture with us.....

'God Jordin, you think too much. Just calm down.' I tell myeself. I really have been stressed about the whole adoption thing right now. But luckly, Jason is taking me to go look at some Children. I cant wait! Oh how cute the will look.

Suddenly my mood changes.

I see Jason looking at me and he mouths, 'You ok?' I nod my head fustraded and mouth 'Why wouldnt I be....' Jason puts his hands up and shrugs.

"Well you guys can leave no-"

*Ring, Ring, Ri-*

"Its Frank, hello?" He then walks off. "I think we can leave..." I tell Jason. He nods.

As we walk out I take his hand and kiss his cheek. "Im sorry. For getting fiesty back there." He looks at me and stops at the car.

                   Jason POV:

I look at Jordin. She looks at me with thoes beautiful eyes of hers.

'How could I not forgive her and her eyes....'

"Babe, its fine." I lean down and kiss her softly and gently. She does the same back. But I have to end it. Sadly. "We gotta go." "Oh yeah! Lets hurry and go! I. Cant. Wait." I laugh and open the door for her and walk to mine. I drive to an adoption place. Me and Jordin have only two places that we want to visit. So it would be more easy.

               -30mins Later-

"You ready to do this?" She takes a breath. A long one. "Of course."

As soon as we enter....We hear chaos. Just loud screams and see kids running around EVERYWHERE! A toy gets thrown at Jordin. I see a kid bare naked chasing after a girl.

'The hell is happening!"

We quickly exit. "Damn....Try somewhere els?" "Good Idea." She smiles.

                -10mins later-

We approch an Orphanage and see a big park on the side. This place looks amazing. Way much better than the other. Or so we thought. As soon as we walk in...heavy metal blares through the house. I cant hear my own thoughts! We see an adult. She has tatoos all over her arms and legs. She has peircings on her eyebrow, nose, and is enough for me to know to get out!! I grab Jordin and dash. I feel bad for the kids who are there. Me and Jordin try one more place we find a couple streets down.

               Skyla POV(Suprise!):

I lay in my bed. I listen to 'First Day Of My Life' With a girl named Anna Scouten singing it. (YOU SHOULD CHECK HER OUT, LIKE, NOW!) She is amazing. Just beautiful. But, I get inturupted with my dancing- what? I kinda like to dance...Even though I suck. But like I said. I got interupted by our care taker, Chris, Telling me to please stop with the loud music. Behind her I see two people. And I will never forget this day.

Hey! So.....How was it? Good? Ya like Skyla so far? Ya dont? Well too bad. Deal with it. You dont wanna? Well, too bad. again.

Sorry bros. Im a little weird today. SKYLA! DID YOU TAKE YOUR PILLS TODAY? NO MOM! I DONT NEED THEM! Anyways......Did I suprise u with a new POV? Hope so.

Special thanx to Arlie1's mom. Chris. I used her as the Care taker. Hope you dont mind Ar! Arlie is ma bestie! #BESTIESFORLIFE!♥ Lolz

So yeah. Thats bout it. And really tho, check out dat girl who I was talkin bout! She is amazing! And follow ma bestie Arlie1 and read her book if you like the BIG BANG THERORY! Bye!


P.S. I toke this idea from ma bestie. For all of u dat hate me callin u bros, I thought...Why not make up a fan name to call u bros! So if you have any ideas, comment. Cause it'll help you win the contest.

Adopted By Jason DeruloWhere stories live. Discover now