24.Signs in a Class with BTS

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Berbec: Always talks to maknae line. Always gets sent into the hall with maknae line. Forces friends to watch M/Vs and dance practices during break.

Taur: Sits at the front of class. Forces Suga to sit with them to wake him up when he falls asleep in class. Gets shit done. Constantly hides homework because the boys keep trying to copy.

Gemeni: Talks to Rapmon during every break. Passes notes with Rapmon during class time. Other people try joining in on your convo but most of the time they can't really keep up, so they just give up.

Rac: Loved by everyone in the class. Secretly keeps a list of people they hate. Maknae line & fire signs are included. Sometimes acts on these feelings but usually doesn't get caught.

Leu: Brags about passing a test. Secretly asks Rapmon for tutoring. Lowkey tsundere. Complains about tests and homework with Jungkook 24/7.

Fecioară: Top grades in the class. Didn't talk to anyone until the 2nd week of school. Jhope eventually forced them to talk and they're actually pretty cool. Sunshine line makes sure they don't overwork themselves.

Balanță: Keeps the classroom sane. Tries to make Jin and Suga help them, but only gets a "You'll never get through to these kids". Pouts until everyone feels bad and shuts up. Secretly is smug about it.

Scorpion: Only talks to a few people they consider "best friends", but for some reason bonded with Suga super fast. A people watcher and actually knows everything about everyone, but doesn't really care enough to gossip about it, unless someone pisses them off. (MOR, CÂT DE FUKING ADEVĂRAT)

Săgetător: Everyone wants to listen when they talk about a random story from their life. Sits with Rapmon and gemini during lunch. Conversations often break out into deeper stuff. Jhope and Taehyung tried to sit with you guys once but left bc you were too confusing.

Capricorn: Basically best friends with Jin. You both worry a lot about tests and homework so you guys are like each others support systems. You both can be a bit serious at times though so sunshine line usually makes sure you guys have fun.

Vărsător: Is either really quiet or really hyper. Hangs out with different type of people depending on their mood. Solves arguments really quickly. Jikook doesn't really like when you're quiet so they try to sneak sugar into your food.

Pești: Basically friends with everyone in the class. Tries to help people with their problems in order to ignore their own problems. Namjin + Jhope are usually able to sense their moods though and cheer them up with they're sad. Doesn't really like talking during breaks. Usually listen to music instead.

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