Chapter 31 - Astounding

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The rest of the night had been quiet. Daphne returned to her room to rest, and likely mourn, while her mother and friends kept a close watch over her. Elijah carried on with business and gave Alpha Trey and Beta Derek a tour of the pack after sunset, but I decided not to join them. I was also mentally and physically exhausted. Healing Daphne had taken a lot out of me, and I knew I needed to rest so I could successfully heal my parents the next morning, and then prepare for the Luna Ceremony that would follow.

Sleep came easily. In fact, I was out before Elijah ever returned to our quarters for the night. It felt odd, going to sleep without him in bed, but I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.

The night went by without any dreams or disturbances, both of which I was extremely grateful for. Elijah had made it to bed at some point during the night, and he appeared peaceful when I woke the next morning. He was sprawled across his side of the bed with his mouth wide open and one arm slung above his head. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as I slowly slid out of bed, careful not to wake him. My plan was to meet with my parents and Alpha Trey while Elijah slept. I knew he needed his rest as well.

My first stop after getting cleaned up and dressed was our kitchen. Both Sofia and Trey had repeatedly reminded me of the importance of taking care of my body while using my abilities, and that included eating well-balanced meals. Healing both of my parents today could take a lot out of me, so I'd need to be prepared.

My first selection was simply a banana from the fruit basket. I peeled it open and began to munch on it while I rummaged through the refrigerator for bacon, eggs, and hash browns. They were quick to make and full of proteins, fats, and carbs to keep me going.

After I finished my meal, I headed downstairs towards the infirmary wing, where I was supposed to be meeting Trey. My father knew of our arrival and intentions, and we planned to start the healing with him, so that my mother would see everything was okay. Mother was much more damaged than father, so her healing would more challenging. In fact, I feared it could potentially be more challenging that healing Daphne. Trey claimed that healing someone in Daphne's position was one of the hardest circumstances to heal, but I had my doubts.

As I turned the corner into the infirmary, I found Trey sitting in one of the waiting areas, reading a magazine. He looked so domestic in that moment – almost as if he wasn't a powerful Alpha who possessed magic and a cult-like pack.

"Good morning, Trey," I spoke as I approached him.

He quickly looked up from the magazine before setting it aside and standing from his chair, "Good morning, Luna," he replied with a grin.

"I assumed it'd be best for me to wait in a common area, seeing as your parents haven't met me before," he added.

I nodded to him, "That was definitely a good move. My mother is still adjusting to strangers – particularly, men."

Trey nodded back in understanding, "Lead the way."

I quickly led Trey the rest of the way through the infirmary, taking only a couple more turns before reaching the private section of rooms reserved for patients like my parents. Once we approached the door, I knocked softly before opening the door and leading Trey inside.

Upon entering, I saw my mother sitting up in bed, watching some sort of home improvement show on the TV. My father was seated in a cushiony chair next to her bed, reading a book. They both looked over at us as we entered, curiosity washing over their features.

"Mother, father, this is Alpha Trey from the Tropic Sun pack. He's travelled all this way to help me, help you both," I explained to them calmly, shutting the door behind us. My father smiled at us, as he'd already known this information.

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