Brother's Bestfriend

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You wake up to your alarm going off, quickly you slam down the button to stop the noise.
Today your older brother, Chris, was inviting his bestfriend, Michael, over to watch the Super Bowl.
As you can imagine you and Michael never did get along, he'd always tease you and be mean when you guys were smaller. And of course you thought he was cute, but you knew it would never work.
But there'd be no avoiding him today since you're helping your mom prepare the food in the kitchen, which is right next to the living room.
You slowly get dressed in simple high waisted black jeans, your black vanz, and a football hoodie your best-guy-friend let you wear. It wasn't too big, but it fit you just right. Then you tie your hair back in a ponytail and throw on some shades.
You walk down to the kitchen to start preparing the pizza you're gonna make.
Just then your the doorbell rings and your brother rushes down the stairs to open it.
As expected, there stands Michael with a smile and bro-hugs your brother. You put your head down in hopes of him not seeing you and continue cooking.
(Y/N)! Wattup girrrrrl. He says walking over to with open arms and engulfs you in a hug.
Hey Michael how ya been? You say putting on a smile, wondering why he's being so nice.
I've been good, and look at chu! Still short and still cute. He says looking at you up and down put stops on the hoodie you're wearing, noticing it's a guy's.
Um who are you and what have you down with Michael? You say and he chuckles a bit.
Listen (Y/N) I know in the past I've been a jerk to you, and I just wanna day I'm sorry. I was young and stupid back then to be doing that to a girl and I hope you can forgive me. He has the most sincerest voice while looking you deep in the eyes.
I accept your apology, it takes a man to admit he's wrong. Thank you. You say and he gives you another hug.
While your dad, brother, and Michael are watching the game you and your mom continue to cook. Making stuff like pizza, burgers, nachos, fries, all the good stuff.
Occasionally you'd catch Michael staring but you just shake it off. After you finish up making the food, you go up to your room to answer the texts you've been getting from your friends.
You sit down on your bed and go through your phone sending texts and streaks.
Hey can I come in? You get startled a little bit not expecting Michael to be there.
Yeah come on in. You pat the spot next to you for him to sit down.
So uh who's hoodie is that? He asks nonchalantly.
Oh it's my friend Adrian's he lets me wear it. You say admiring it.
Are you two like a thing? He asks scared of your response.
Ha no we're just really good friends. You say reassuring him.
Oh okay, so I was wondering if um you'd like to catch a movie or go out to eat sometime with me. If you want to, you don't have to. He says.
You mean like a date? You ask starting to figure out that he likes you too.
Yeah a date, with me. He puts on a smile showing off his pearly whites.
Yes I'd love to. You say making his smile grow.
He gives you a hug and you take in his scent. Then he takes your face into his strong hands and gives you a gentle kiss. But then you deepen it and climb onto his lap and he hugs you tight.
I always knew you liked me. He says pulling back for air.
Well yeah, who wouldn't? You say and push him back on the bed.
Well since we have a little time, why don't we...have some fun? He says and grabs your butt grinding on you a little.
That You say and peck his lips. Then he takes off his shirt and pants leaving him in his boxers.
And you blush looking down trying not to drool over him.
It's ok baby you can look. He says chuckling a bit. And you look at his beautiful brown abs.
Lemme see you now. And he slowly lifts your hoodie up and you raise your arms up giving him permission.
Your cheeks turn a rosy pink slightly embarrassed that you only had your lace black bra on underneath.
He smirks and cups each breast and massages them, making you whimper at his touch.
Then he helps you slide out of your pants revealing matching panties. Damn babygirl you look so sexy. And he brings you down on top of his chest and kisses you passionately.
He grabs your butt and moans while he grinds on you. Your sex begins to feel tingly and you notice how wet you are.
He grows hard beneath you and he pulls his boxers off. He lets out moans now that his touch is so close.
Turn around for me. You do what he says and turn around. He grabs a handful of your ass and jerks off with his other hand.
You then pull down your underwear and your juices spill out onto his length. He lets out loud moans as he strokes himself in your juices.
Then he slaps his length against you clit and that's just enough for you to release all over him.
Then seconds later he climaxes as well and you collapse on the bed.
You should come over more often. You say and he laughs a bit.

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