hit that YEET?!

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"shut up, you're ugly!" mina yelled at bambam, making the boy stare down at his shoes with sadness.

"m-my mom says i'm handsome.." bambam said softly, making mina laugh.

"she's lying! dummy!"

"i just wanted to play with you... you could have just said no.." bambam frowned, tearing up. mina grabbed a handful of wood chips from the ground, chucking them at the small boy.

"who would want to play with a loser like you?" mina said, making bambam burst into tears. he buried his face into his small palms, softly mumbling about wanting to go home.

"baby, baby, baby!" mina sang, laughing when the boy cried even more. "you're a big, ugly-"

"HEY! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" someone ran over, shoving mina down on the ground. bambam looked up to see a tall boy glaring at mina.

"who are you?" mina glared, standing up.

"go away you ugly jerk!" the boy said again, making mina run off towards the swings. bambam quickly rubbed his eyes of his tears, looking up at the boy in confusion.

"are you okay?" the boy asked, walking over to him with a soft grin.

"mhmm." bambam nodded, staring down at his shoes.

"what's your name?" he asked.

bambam shrugged. "bambam."

"woah, you're name is so cool!" he grinned. "i'm yugyeom! kim yugyeom!" he said, sticking his hand out. bambam looked up at him shyly, shaking his hand softly.

"cool." bambam smiled.

"wanna be best friends?" yugyeom asked with a grin.

"yeah!" bambam said happily, forgetting about why he was crying earlier.

weeks later

"yugyeom's a loser like you, no wonder you guys are friends." mina said, glaring at bambam.

"y-yugyeom's not a loser!" bambam frowned, shaking his head. how could someone say that?

"yeah, well then he's only playing with you because he knows how much of a dummy you are! you don't even know ten plus ten!" she said, throwing wood chips at his face. ever since the start of kindergarten, he'd grown a strong hate for wood chips. he'd also grown a love for the first grader that protected him every recess.

"b-but i.." bambam stuttered, crying again. she was right, he was never good with math.

"stupid baby!"

"SHUT UP!" yugyeom yelled, running over to the two and chucking a small rock at the side of her head.

"ouch!" mina gasped, glaring at yugyeom. "i hate you!"

"i hate you more!" yugyeom said with rage, clenching his fists tightly. "come on bam!" yugyeom grinned at him, grabbing his hand and leading him over to their hideout on the playground.

"y-yug!" bambam sniffled, wiping his face of his tears.

"it's okay! she's the dumbest. i'll teach you math." yugyeom grinned, sitting down on the wood chips. bambam sat next to him with a smile.

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