In the Secret Bowser Kingdom, Mario, Donkey Kong and Luigi were captured and sent to jail for breaking in...
Mario: Oh, we have to spend our lives at jail!!!
Luigi: Don't worry, Mario, we'll escape...with DK...
DK: no....leave me...
Mario: Come on, together we'll escape...
DK: NO!!!! It's your fault you put us in jail...
Mario: No, it was Luigi's fault!!
Luigi: Why are you blaming me??? You "f" ing Italian!!!!
Mario: Because you wanted me and you to join the Mushroom Army!!!
Luigi: Correction: I told "you" to join the army, not me, cause I knew people cared about you....not me!!
Mario: But Luigi...we are the heroes of Mushroom Kingdom!!!
Luigi: We "were" the heroes of Mushroom Kingdom...
Mario: But, we will change that...Luigi, please, give everyone a chance...
Shy Guy 3: Hey, you guys, come on let's get outta...
Mario: O-ummm, ok??
Shy Guy: Yeah!!!
Luigi: Ok!
Donkey Kong: bout time!
"Shy Guy 3" frees Luigi, Mario and Donkey Kong from jail...then takes his mask off and...
Bowser Jr: I'm Jr...
Mario: Jr, what are you doing here??
Bowser Jr: A guy called "Ein" killed my dad, Bowser......and my 6 brothers.
Luigi: I'm so sorry...
Mario: Well, lets go..
Luigi: What about Jr??
Mario: Bring him...we need him..
Donkey Kong: Then lets go on an adventure!!
Bowser Jr: Yeah, let's get revenge!!
Luigi: Hell yeah!!!
Meanwhile in Jr's house
Bowser Jr: guys I'm home!!
Joseph: oh hi dude, how is your thingy??
Bowser Jr: w-what are you talking about??
Joseph: Last know *awkward laugh*
Mario: *trying not to laugh...............and laughs hard*
Bowser Jr: What are you laughing at??
Mario: You did WHAT??? *laughs even harder and harder and harder* I just realised, you maked out with a human very haaaaard *laughs higher and worse* even though you don't have balls!!!! *stops laughing slowly*
Cody: Jr???
Bowser Jr: Yeah, its me!! Wait...where's Lisa?
Joseph: You mean the "W"
Bowser Jr: I-I guess, so yeah??
Joseph: I don't know...
Bowser Jr: What do you mean you don't know???
Joseph: Well, maybe...
TV goes on static...
Donkey Kong: What's going on??
Cody: Monkey??
Luigi: Yeah, a talking one...
Ein *On TV* : Hey everyone, just to let you know that I got someone here and I know you won't mind but..., yeah and that is, Drumroll please,
Ein: Liiiisaaaaa!!!
Bowser Jr: no...
Mario: Lol, same as someone, live happily ever after...
Ein: So yeah, and for those who are familiar with her, she will be executed approximately...ummmm...hold on a second...*whispers* hey Larry how many hours should we give them???
Larry: I don't know, sir....let's say.....
48 hours and....oh what's that??? Oh tick tock tick, the clock is ticking, In the meantime, we'll just play some UNO... see ya!!! Larry, show me how to turn off this thing....
Larry: Pressing this, sir...
Ein: Oh wait this??
Larry: No, sir, that's the videos storage
Ein presses the button...
Ein: Phew, good thing there is nothing inappropriate from he...
*Moaning sounds from the camera*
Mario: W-What is going on???
Ein: Uuuuuuuuuuu, how do I get this....this is embarrassing, this reveals my secret, STOP!!
Larry: You did that *laughs weirder than Mario* I can't believe it!
Ein: Well, ok, bye uuuuuuuu...oh there it is, remember 48 hours from now on...
TV goes back to normal...
Joseph: What should we do???
Bowser Jr: We fight...To Be Continued on part 7
Hey and I hope you are having an awesome night but ummm yeah see ya later
The Mysterious World Of Kingdoms
Science FictionEnter a dark and a bright sided world with your favorite Mario Saga characters through a pipe... But what secrets does the dark and bright sided worlds left behind curiosity??? Hi and I hope you enjoy my Story. It's based around a popular YouTuber...