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One drawing caught my eye. I remember that day so well. It was a drawing of German, Violetta and Amelia. German was chasing Violetta and Amelia up the stairs when he tripped and landed face first on the top step, it was really funny. That was drew 1 week before Amelia went missing. She gave it me to give to German and Violetta to remember her. It was like she knew she was going.

I was sat stairing at the picture for so long I didn't rearlise Violetta was sat next to me. She had tears in her eyes. She told me she could remember when that happend, she played with a girl everyday until she was told by her auntie (which was me) that she wouldn't be playing for a long time. She then realised that this was Amelia. I didn't think she could remember her but she could. She then told me she was determined to find her. How could she find her? If the sighting in the UK was true then she'd be on the other side of the world. For starters she wouldn't remember any of us and secondly if she's alive she'll be happy where she is. 

A massive part of me wanted to let Violetta try and find her. But I couldn't go through the pain of finding a child who could possibly be her but then it turned out not to be.

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