Firefly (closed)

45 3 6

This one is a bit different it's a horse instead of a cat,  feeling a little different so I decided to do something different :3

Inspired by @Aceisforeverloved

Likes: Fireflies, the Stars, the moon, open places, swimming, peace, protecting the ones she loves, loves the feeling of wind as she runs

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Likes: Fireflies, the Stars, the moon, open places, swimming, peace, protecting the ones she loves, loves the feeling of wind as she runs

Dislikes: Being trapped, people, interacting with a big group of other horses, death

Personality: Shy, Quiet, Introverted, anxiety, happy, free-spirited, stubborn, sassy, friendly, emotional, slightly hypocritical.

Good traits: Good at swimming, very very fast, helpful

Bad traits: Hypocritical, stubborn,
extremely sarcastic, laughs in uncomfortable situations, her anxiety


1.) Firefly XxDestinychooserxX
2.)Raven @Unimportant_someone
3.) Ocean XxArtisticSunsetsxX

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