diary entry #1

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dear diary,

the flame that emerged has not blown away for that cute boy who resembles the sun. i can't explain it, but it seems like everyday that burning passion i have to watch over him and protect him, rises. i'm not sure if it's his bright melting smile that captivates me or his sweet honey like laugh that is heaven's song. whatever it is...i want to drown in it forever. i want this feeling to swallow me whole and overpower my well-being so that the only thing i feel is him. god, why do i want him so bad.

from now on, love like this.



youngjae looked over at his watch and cursed himself for running late. he knew he shouldn't have stayed up and watched kihyun's vlive, but he couldn't help it. kihyun was his favorite member from his favorite group, monsta x. he had to watch it. even though he was late to school, his mom forced him to sit down and have breakfast so he could at least be late with a full tummy. after he finished eating three pancakes and gulped down his orange juice, he quickly grabbed his backpack and bolted out the door, before giving his mother a kiss on the cheek. youngjae ran as fast as he could to school and surprisingly made it in time for role call. he almost puked halfway for immediately running straight after he finished eating, but hey, he arrived to school on time.

"dude are you okay? your hair is a mess" bambam, one of his friends, asked him as he chuckled. youngjae groaned in response trying everything to make his hair look decent, but it just stood up in different directions. youngjae ended up giving up and let out a long sigh.

"ugh hair is so annoying" youngjae commented with a pout. bambam smiled at his cute friend and turned around to focus on the lecture that was going on, but saw that someone was staring at his direction, particularly more at youngjae. bambam made eye contact with him and he immediately looked away. bambam knew the boy from somewhere but couldn't pinpoint where. he would ask jackson, his boyfriend, later on to see if he knew. bambam was debating whether to tell youngjae this, but the boy had already snoozed off. bambam looked over at the boy who was staring at youngjae and once again he was, but this time with a soft smile.



okay so all my chapters will start off with jinyoung's diary entry and then what goes on in that chapter after that just because i think that's so cute lmao.

i'm so excited for this book and might make more 2young books in the future beCAUSE THIS SHIP NEEDS TO BE APPRECIATED ITS SO DAMN CUTE ANYWAYS I HOPE YOU ENJOYED.

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