Chapter 2

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Loren's POV...

After everything that happened yesterday my mom decided to give my dad another chance. I couldn't care less I'm still mad she left my mom. I had no father figure growing up and BOOM! Here he is showing up acting like my father, yes he is my father, he left so he doesn't have a right to act like my father. Jordan is happy that she finally has a father figure. I get out of bed and head to the bathroom taking a shower and brushing my teeth and hair before getting dressed for school.

 I get out of bed and head to the bathroom taking a shower and brushing my teeth and hair before getting dressed for school

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(Lorens outfit)

I put on my white vans before leaving my room. Once I was in the kitchen I grabbed an apple and went to look for Jordan. I seen her in her room struggling to find her phone.

 I seen her in her room struggling to find her phone

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(Jordan's outfit)

When she found her phone we started walking to school. When Loren gets to school she never expected to have bad news thrown at her.

"Loren I'm sooo sorry, but Hvry is died." Elena said

It's like my world has just stopped, I loved him! Tears started pouring down my face, I ran home and went to my room while slamming my door shut. I jumped on my bed and started crying.


I cried for weeks, how could the world give you a soul mate and the take them away? Would they give me a second chance? Or will I be lonely for the rest of me life? I walked down stairs and grabbed my backpack before walking to school.

I cried for weeks, how could the world give you a soul mate and the take them away? Would they give me a second chance? Or will I be lonely for the rest of me life? I walked down stairs and grabbed my backpack before walking to school

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Once I arrived at hell aka school I went to the stoners pit and found Vikki talking to Jeremy.

"Hey Vikki do you have and cigarettes or weed?" I asked

" Yeah, do you need some Loren? What's wrong? Why do you want some?" She asked

"To clear my head."

"Ok here, don't tell anybody I gave it to you. Ok?" She said while handing me cigarettes and weed

"Ok thanks Vik"

Me and Vikki have been friends for along time now and we always look out for each other. I was sitting in the stoner pit doing weed and smoking when the bell ringed to go to class. I hid my weed and cigarettes while heading to the bathroom and putting eye drops in and spraying perfume on me. Once I was done I went to class, but me being me I was late to class.

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