Shawn was laying down on his stomach. When I came in and he was calling my name. "Y/n" he said. I layed on top of him and put your head on his shirtless back. "Yes shawine" I said. "I love you babe"he said. "I love you more" i said as you rolled over to the other side. He turns and looks at me. He gets closer and gives me a kiss. Our lips were at the same pace and he bite my bottom lip for permission. "Shawn not right now" I said. "Whyyyy" he said dreadfully. "Because we can't and you know why" I said. "BeCAuSE We CaN't aNd yoU knOw wHY" shawn said imitating me. "Let's just cuddle I've had a long day either way" I said. Shawn cuddles with me and the best from his body made me feel scecure. I fell asleep and Shawn gave me a kiss on my forehead.