》-Hannah-《Until dawn》

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Warning: Death

Hannah and Beth were freezing the cold air hurt there skin but they couldn't stop running it was after them. The sisters crossed a bridge they were so close to the lodge, just three feet away. Hannah couldn't keep running she stopped to take a breath then tripped on a log, it dragged her away in the darkness. "Hannah?! No?!" Beth screamed at the top of her lungs but it was to late Hannah was already Dead. Beth's eyes filled with tears, she felt like everything was ruined and destroyed. "Beth? Beth?!" She heard one of her friends yell, they came over to her and hugged her tight. "It got her" Beth shuddred "the monster" everyone was confused there were no monsters on the mountain as they knew of. "She's dead" Beth said crying a little more, Josh stepped toward his sister, he sat down next to her they both looked at each other and cried.

After a while everyone went back inside the lodge. Josh,Beth and Sam we're hugging, Crying into each others arms. Matt and Jess we're making some snacks as they sniffed trying not to fall and cry. Mike and Emily we're sitting by the fire also crying. Ashley was sleeping on Chris shoulder as he cried. Everything was dead silence, no one talked, no one moved, just dead Silence. I wish I could say Hannah came through the door and everyone cheered and sang songs but that's not what happened. Suddenly a loud noise came from outside, Josh walked over to the window to check what it was, what he saw was Hannah's head and body laying there dead. The bother covered his mouth to stop him from screaming.

Sorry for the short Oneshot, Dm me for suggestions.

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