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Ian, Sarah, and Nick found themselves dangling precariously on anything solid within their reach, the second half of their trailer hanging vertically over five hundred feet over the edge of the cliff after a devastating attack by a pair of Tyrannosaurus. Just as suddenly as they began, the attacks had ceased. No longer was the night sky filled with the dinosaurs' thundering roars. But that was of little comfort for the trio; down below was the crashing surf pounding against the treacherous rocks. A fall from that height would surely prove fatal.
Suddenly, in a cruel twist of fate, the refrigerator door Sarah was holding onto flew wide open, throwing her towards the rear window. The paleontologist screamed as she went free falling inside of the trailer before colliding with the rear window with a loud THUNK!
"Sarah!"cried Malcolm and Nick, watching from above. The glass spider webbed, but fortunately it did not break. Regaining her senses from the collision, Sarah looked down, then immediately regretted it. As she stared down below, the rocks seemed to move even farther away from her. She blanched; the world seemed to spin around her, her heart racing as a cold wave of fear washed over he. For a person with a great fear of heights, this was a real drag.
"Oh...please ... no... Oh, God please..."
Her breath fogged the cracked glass. Slowly, she tried to get up, carefully pulling herself up to her hands and knees. But as she puts pressure on her hands, the glass cracked even more, tiny spider webs shooting out around her fingers. The whole glass panel sagged, bowing out around the bottom of the trailer.
"Don't move!"the cameraman called down to the terrified redhead.
"I'm coming down for you," Ian told her, climbing down slowly to reach her. "Here I come, stay still. Here I come, Sarah." He looked from her over to the satellite phone, which is precariously balancing on the leg of the kitchen table, its number pad still glowing green. "Nick!"
"The satellite phone! Get it!"
Nick crawled down and reached for the satellite phone, its antenna just six inches from his outstretched fingers. But every time he got closer, the phone slipped farther out of his reach.
The acrophobic paleontologist glanced to her right, at a metal grating that ran along the wall of the trailer. Shifting her weight, she leaned on one hand in an attempt to reach for the grating with the other.
"Just give me your hand,"coaxed Malcolm once he reached the bottom where Sarah was, extending his hand, "give me your hand, honey." No response from the petrified redhead. Running out of options, Ian looked over to his right to see the lucky backpack. In an instant, an idea came to mind.
Meanwhile, Nick had two fingers on the satellite phone, but suddenly the whole trailer shuddered, throwing the phone from the photographer's grasp. Time seemed to slow down as the strap slipped off the edge of the lamp, falling towards the window...
"Heads up!"
Blinded by fear, it was instinct that told Sarah to grab for the nearest object which happened to be the old backpack in Ian's hands. In a split second, the heavy phone whizzed past her head and smashed into the window in a shower of glass, food, and lab equipment that descended down to the rocks below. Sarah hung for dear life by her lucky backpack, swinging back and forth over the cliff screaming. The mathematician grunted as he tried to hold the extra weight while pulling her to safety.
"Your lucky pack!"
**** Topside...****
Alerted by Malcolm's distress call, Eddie, Martin, and Chris arrived on the scene as quickly as possible, the latter pair donned in their CPS. As they finally arrived at their destination, the technician's Jeep skidded to a stop and the three passengers disembarked to survey the area.
"Oh no,"
Glancing around at the devastation, the three men could see the campsite had become a rutted, muddy mess, their various belongings scattered and reduced to rubbish, and the second vehicle was nowhere to be found. But worst of all, to their horror, the camouflaged trailers were split like an L, the rear trailer hanging straight down in space, still connected by the accordion connector to the forward one that now rested precariously on the edge of the cliff.
  "Oh my God."said the paling technician. "What did this?"
Chris crouched down to analyze a series of massive three-toed footprints imbedded in the mud. Only one animal could leave tracks like these. "T-rex. Two of them"
Eddie was confused. "I don't get it; they were just trying to save their baby. Why would they try to kill them?"
The bros gasped as dreadful realization hit
them. "What have we done?"squeaked Martin, eyes widened, his voice at the edge of panic.
"How could we have been so foolish?"said the Kratt in green, both hands at his scalp.
"We've changed the T-rexes' perceived territory!"answered the Kratt Brothers simultaneously.
The tech expert was still left in the dark. "Say what?"
"We should've remembered what we were dealing with,"the older Kratt began, still berating himself. "Tyrannosaurus may show complex behavior among carnivorous dinosaurs, but most of it is probably instinctual, unthinking behavior wired in. They don't think it; they just do it. And territoriality is part of that Nature's know-how."
Chris continued for his brother. "They mark their territory, and defend that territory from competition. All instinctive behavior has triggers, releasers for that behavior."
"And by moving Little Chomper here, we may have redefined their turf to include this place. So now they're going to defend their territory," here Martin gulped, "by destroying the trailers."
As the storm raged on, a crack of lightning flashed over the trees, bringing them back to their current situation.
"That connector isn't gonna hold much longer!"warned Eddie. "Let's go!"
Without wasting another moment, the trio raced for the front trailer. Eddie shouted through the broken windshield. "Ian! Sarah! Nick!"
"Hello?"called the brothers Kratt next to him.
"We're in here!" came Nick's voice from all the way in the back trailer.
Relieved that their teammates were alive, the three quickly climbed through the window.
"Hold on! We're coming!"called Chris as he, Martin and Eddie rushed to the other end of the trailer, making their way over the scattered equipment littered throughout the wreckage. They promptly found the trapped trio at the very bottom, keeping well away from the opening that would surely lead to certain death.
"Whoah! You guys okay down there?"asked the Kratt in blue.
"Martin! Chris! Eddie! Thank God you're all here!"cried Sarah, looking up to see that salvation was nigh.
"Kelly! What did you guys do with Kelly?"asked a concerned Malcolm.
"She's okay. She's with Laura."said Martin in reassurance. The scientist breathed an inaudible sigh of relief.
"Who's hurt? What do you need?"inquired the technician.
"We need rope!" Nick answered.
"Rope. Anything else?"
"Yeah. Three double cheeseburgers with everything!"replied the mathematician sardonically.
"No onions on mine!"added the photographer.
"And an apple turnover!"chimed the bone-digger.
Above them, the rescue trio exchanged incredulous glances. "Coming right up!"said Chris as he pulled out a bundle of rope from his backpack.
"That was quick." Eddie remarked.
"What can I say? It pays to be well organized." To his older brother, he handed one end of the rope, saying, "Hold this." With the other end, the Kratt in green raced back out into the rain to secure the cord around a nearby tree. Once that task was done, he shouted back to the trailer, "Okay, Martin! Let 'er rip!"
"You got it, dude. Catch!" Martin obliged, tossing the other end of the lifesaving cord into the trio's waiting hands.
"Good throw."said Ian once the rope was caught. "Did you tie this to anything?"
Before the Kratt in blue could reply, the trailer began to shudder and move slowly.
"We're sliding!"
"Climb up if you can!"called Eddie before he and Martin ran out just in time to see the wheels dragging backwards through the mud as the weight of the dangling trailer pulled the whole thing toward the edge of the abyss. Chris was already there.
"We gotta stop those trailers from sliding any further!"said the Kratt in green urgently.
"I'll hook her to the Jeep!"cried Eddie who ran back to the vehicle, grabbing hold of the power winch on the front grill. The tech expert promptly raced back to the trailer, pulling out a length of cable behind him. He ran up to the still-moving trailer, but just as he dove for its towing hook, the cable goes taut– and he fell short. Just by six inches, but he was out of cable.
"Damn it!"
"C'mon, Martin! We gotta help!"said the Kratt in green. In response, Martin pulled out a pair of Creature Power disks, holding both in his hand; Chris may have been the more organized of the two, but Martin prided himself for being the most prepared.
"You thinking what I'm thinking?"he asked, beaming a smug grin.
"Oh I'm definitely thinking what you're thinking!" Chris answered, taking one of the disks and inserting it into his vest. After digging through his pack, the younger Kratt found what he was looking for; a glass vial holding an inch long ivory milk tusk.
Then came the moment of truth.
"Activate Elephant Power!" At the touch of a button, two flashes of brilliant blue and green light enveloped the two creature adventurers. Once it faded, where they once stood, were two humanoid elephants, trumpeting into the night. "To the Trailer Rescue!"
The two pachyderms wasted no time in grabbing the grill of the trailer with their artificial trunks, pulling the twelve-ton vehicle close enough for Eddie to come in with the wires. This time around, the technician was able to secure the cable into the trailer's towing hook. The Jeep jerked forward with the added weight of the larger vehicle before it stopped, holding it in place. "Thanks, guys." panted the technician.
But securing the damaged trailers was only part of the battle. "Whoah!" A sudden jerk of the trailer caused the two elephant bros to lose their footing, falling face first into the mud. The forces of gravity also pulled on the Jeep, causing it to slowly slide with the trailer.
"Eddie! Get to the Jeep!"said Chris as he and Martin planted their feet firmly into the ground. The tech expert obliged without a word, climbing into the sliding car.
"When we say pull..."grunted Martin as everyone got to their places; his younger brother getting a secure hold on the grill while Eddie fiddled with the stick, putting the car in reverse. At the right moment, the blue pachyderm stomped his feet.
Inside the Jeep, Eddie began to floor it in reverse, fishtailing as the tires screeched. All the while, Martin and Chris hauled the massive trailer with all their might, straining and grunting at the load.
"Pull, Martin! Pull!"urged the green elephant. Back in the Jeep, the tech expert turned on the overdrive and gunned the engine. Mud flew everywhere as the tires sloshed, trying to get a grip. To everyone's delight, the trailer was slowly being pulled back up the cliff, thanks to their combined efforts.
"We're moving her!"cried the blue pachyderm optimistically as they continued to pull.
"Yes! I knew we could do it!"cheered Chris, more and more of the trailer being pulled back on solid ground.
"It's working!"said Eddie.
But the trio's optimism was short lived as the ground began to shake.
Boom. Boom. Boom.
Martin, Chris, and Eddie halted their work, bewildered by the sudden vibrations that seemed to be coming from all directions.
The rumblings grew louder. Soon enough great crashing and the tearing of foliage could be heard, as the tremors tore through the undergrowth, thundering towards them!
Eddie darted a look at his side view mirror, then wished he hadn't. His eyes widened in dread. "Umm guys? We've got company."warned the tech expert.
Just as the elephant bros looked over their shoulders, several thundering roars were heard from the edge of the forest as the two T-rexes emerged from the trees, lumbering slowly in their direction!
**** Meanwhile...****
Deep in the forest, Kelly and Laura weathered out the storm under the shelter of a fallen redwood tree at the edge of a forest clearing. The blonde ranger had been entrusted to watch over the mathematician's daughter after Martin and Chris had rushed to the rescue of Malcolm, Sarah, and Nick from whatever perils they were facing. To her, it was not a task that she was unfamiliar with; she and others in her line of work had protected various animals from poachers, oftentimes at the risk of  their own lives. As the rain continued to drum upon the trees, Laura sat cross legged at the threshold, holding a wooden staff as she kept a constant lookout for danger.
"What on earth is taking them so long?"whispered Kelly, her voice betraying her concern. It had been a long time since the Kratt Brothers had left. Too long for her liking.
The woman's voice was gentle as she placed a comforting hand on the twelve-year old's shoulder. "I understand that you're worried. I am too, but you must be patient and have faith that–"
  In that moment, Laura caught a sudden disturbance over the constant drumming of the rain, her senses finely tuned from years in the African bush. Her blue eyes narrowed in suspicion as she peered through the darkness.
"What is it?"asked Kelly.
"Shh. Nyamaza!"the ranger whispered, gesturing with a finger to her lips. Be quiet.
The girl nodded, looking outside fearfully as her guardian slowly crept out of the wooded shelter into the pouring rain. Staff held in readiness, Laura stood in the enter of the clearing, oblivious to the cold rain, ready for friend or foe.
She wouldn't have long to wait.
The snapping of a twig was heard, bringing her focus towards the grove of bushes straight ahead as they rustled and shook, giving up their occupant. The African ranger scowled upon seeing what, or rather who emerged from the forest undergrowth.
"Heh heh. Why hello, Girl Scout."greeted a familiar voice with a southern accent.
"Gourmand." Laura spat, glaring daggers at the illegal chef.
"Hold your horseradishes, I ain't looking for no trouble. Yet. Now we could do this the easy way, or we could do this the hard way. Either way you choose, you will tell me where those Wild Kratt Croutons are."
"Your choices have clearly led you here, as have mine."she replied cooly. "I will give you a new choice: leave now unscathed, or stay and suffer the consequences."
"That 'sposed to scare me?"
"I never make idle threats."
"That's too bad, 'cause I was looking forward to–OOF!" but before the illegal chef could finish, his stomach found itself at the receiving end of Laura's staff as she struck with full force before swinging at his head. As the intruder groaned in pain, the ranger glowered down upon him, her icy blue eyes saying,  Less talk, more action.
  Gourmand was quick to recover from the stinging blow, rubbing his head. "That does it!"he bellowed, his temper all but gone. In that instant, the illegal chef pulled out his dough blaster and opened fire at his enemy. But Laura anticipated his move, and wasted no time in expertly evading the projectiles, thanks to years of experience with dodging bullets and poisoned arrows. "Hold still, blondie!"
Before Gourmand could get a clean shot, Laura's staff twirled as she used it to disarm her opponent, swatting it out of his grasp. The chef's weapon laid on the muddy ground, shattered and damaged beyond repair.
"That was my favorite dough blaster!"the illegal cook lamented before glaring daggers at his enemy. "You've done ticked off the wrong chef on the wrong day!" Adjusting his hat, Gourmand discarded his broken blaster in favor of an iron meat mallet from his pack. Once again armed, he charged head-on like a maddened bull, yelling at the top of his lungs. Without hesitation, the blonde ranger rushed in to meet her foe with equal fearlessness.
Meat mallet met wooden staff as the two clashed, neither side showing any signs of backing down. "Is that all you got, mafuta?!" Laura taunted before resuming the fight.
During the struggle, Gourmand laughed as he managed to bash Laura's staff out of her hands. "What's the matter, Girl Scout? Lost yer stick, have ya?"
  But his victory was only brief as the ranger suddenly pulled out a wickedly antlered axe, catching the chef by surprise. With one strike, she was able to use the hooks of her right Hunga Munga to wrench the mallet from Gourmand's grasp. The endangered species chef's surprise quickly turned to anger as he tried to cuff his enemy with a swing of his massive fist. Laura ducked, successfully avoiding Gourmand's attack before delivering one of her own. The African ranger's left fist shot out with the speed of a striking cobra, punching her opponent in the nose, causing him to reel back as he muttered curses, holding his swelling schnoz.
"Y'oww! Right in the sneezer!" Hardly had those words left his mouth when Laura seized his hand in a crushing grip before throwing the burly chef over her shoulder with surprising strength, sending him crashing on his back against a nearby forest giant.
"Buttermilk... biscuits.." Chef Gourmand was knocked out on impact.
Alerted by the sounds of the struggle, several InGen mercenaries had arrived on the scene, armed with guns and cattle prods. But hardly had one hunter emerged from out of the tree line when he was pinned to a nearby redwood by two wicked branching axes to his shoulders. The blades had missed his flesh by mere inches, but instead buried themselves into the cloth of his shirt, still enough to render him immobilized. Another reckless wrangler charged Laura head-on, trying to knock her out with the butt of his rifle. The ranger limboed underneath the strike and delivered one of her own with a fist to his unguarded stomach, bringing him to his knees.
She heard wild scream from behind, and without so much as a backwards glance, raised her left fist which made contact with the face of a hunter armed with an electric prod. Knocked out cold, the noisy attacker fell like a ton of bricks.
Seeing the level of fight in their feminine foe and how effortlessly the first several men were taken down, the rest of the mercenaries rushed in as one, albeit cautiously.
In the melee that followed, the ranger felt a pair of hands grabbing her shoulders before she gave an angry yell, flipping one hunter over her shoulder, sending him flying into an oncoming pair. Whirling around, she punched the other square in the nose. The afflicted man didn't hold his injured nose long as he was quickly felled by a roundhouse kick.
Another pointed a gun barrel at their adversary only to have his weapon sliced in half by a clean slash of a curved sword. Almost before he had any chance to recover from his initial shock, the gunman was felled by the sword hilt to his head. The others quickly backed out of range of the swinging cold steel.
"She's got a sword!"
Wielding her shotel blade, Laura readied herself for the next wave of hunters as they quickly surrounded her. Outnumbered though she was, the woman would rather fall fighting than admit defeat at the hands of her enemies.
"Alright, who's next?!"
"Hey! Drop your weapons now or the girl gets it!" As Laura turned her attention to the speaker, her eyes widened in dread as one of the hunters had Kelly in his grasp, holding a cattle prod to the terrified girl's head. Suddenly, a strong hand shot out, lowering the man's taser.
"Dieter! Enough."commanded a voice the blonde ranger knew all too well. Dieter obeyed. "Good evening, Ms. Wilkinson."
"Roland."she hissed, recognizing the trophy hunter in a heartbeat.
"I would advise you to lower your sword." The outdoorsman's words were not a suggestion, but a demand as neither side truly wanted any more conflict.
With Kelly's safety in jeopardy, the young warrior breathed a sigh as she reluctantly released the shotel sword from her grasp, causing it to clatter in the mud at her feet. Now unarmed, she slowly raised her hands in submission. For the first time in her life, Laura Wilkinson had surrendered.
The Great White hunter boldly made his way before the downed ranger, until he was close enough to make eye contact. "Now tell us where your friends are."
"My leg!"
**** Back on the Cliffside....****
Eddie, Martin and Chris were frozen with fear as the two tyrannosaurs lumbered towards them.
"Nobody move a muscle." Martin whispered as the giant theropods thundered closer and closer. "Their vision is based on movement."
"I've got an idea."said the Kratt in green quietly. Slowly, as not to draw any unwanted attention, Chris reached for his Creaturepod attached to his wrist before pushing a few buttons.
Suddenly a flash of light appeared, and a large hazy image began to materialize until it took shape into the form of a fully grown bull Triceratops. Sporting an impressive set of horns, the holographic Trike bellowed a roar in challenge as it swung its massive frill, stomping its feet as it faced the two rexes head on. For a while, the predators halted their advances.
"Good thinking, dude."the blue elephant praised with a wink. "Even a T-rex would think twice before attacking a bull Triceratops."
Chris nodded. "Thanks, bro. Predators don't really like to take huge risks in tackling dangerous prey. Unless they're starving, there's no sense in risking serious injury or even death. They should leave us alone now,"
But just as the trio were able to continue the arduous task of heaving the trailers, Eddie took another glance over the side view mirror. The tech expert did not like what he saw.
"Guys? I hate to break it to ya, but I don't think they're buying it! Look!"
Martin and Chris looked over their shoulders, their eyes widening in horror as in that moment, a crack of lightning flashed over the night sky, and the T-rex pair charged forward, piercing the darkness with their thundering roars. The very ground shook with their mighty footfalls as they completely ignored the holographic Triceratops, and instead came barreling straight towards the men!
"Uh-oh! Looks like the jig is up!"cried the green pachyderm as the holographic video projector failed.
"T-rex attack! Six o'clock!"warned Martin. The Kratt Bros had just enough time to jump out of the way, narrowly avoiding the rexes' snapping jaws. But the tyrannosaurs' failed attack caused them to crash right into the front of the trailer, causing it to rock back dangerously closer to the cliff's edge. Eddie yelped in panic as he felt the Jeep violently lurch forward with its burden. He immediately hit the brakes.
"Sorry, Eddie!"yelled Chris apologetically just as the male T-rex lunged for him again. The green elephant was quick to respond and threw out his hands, grabbing hold of both the beast's maxilla and mandible. Utilizing his enhanced strength, Chris was able to prevent the jaws of death from closing down upon him.
"Get me off this crazy thing!" Meanwhile, Martin held on for dear life to the she-rex's tail, keeping well out of range of her formidable teeth and snapping jaws as she struggled in vain to catch her prey.
"Keep pulling the trailers, Eddie!"shouted the Kratt in green over the bellows of his antagonist, his pillar-like feet struggling for purchase on the muddy ground. "Martin and I will hold them off!" Summoning enough strength, Chris then gave the tyrannosaur a forceful shove, causing the mammoth reptile to stagger back.
"Try hold them on!" the blue elephant retorted, still grabbing the tiger– or rather T-rex by the tail. This lasted until the seven-ton predator swung her tail with enough force to dislodge her unwanted burden against an old tree stump– the same stump where Chris' rope was tied. It snapped free upon impact, rapidly unraveling from its foothold, racing through the muddy quagmire. The older Kratt's eyes widened in horror.
"Oh no!"
Martin had just a split second to grab the rope with his trunk. Luckily, he caught it in the nick of time before he retied it more securely. The Kratt in blue took the time to smile at his handiwork. But Martin's triumph was short lived as he felt a blast of hot air assaulting his face, and the wreaking odor of what could be described as decayed flesh. Turning his head to the source, he visibly paled as mammoth jaws lined with rows of razor sharp teeth greeted his vision as the female Tyrannosaurus rex towered over him, eyes glowing red as deep growls rumbled from her throat, pools of saliva dripping from her nightmarish mouth. She then unleashed an earth-shaking roar, as loud and as ominous as the thunder, that shook the older Kratt's bones.
Options limited, Martin shut his eyes, anticipating the killer blow. SNAP!
But the teeth never came.
  The Kratt in blue forced an eye open to see that the dinosaur's fangs missed by mere inches. His attacker roared in protest as she was slowly being pulled back away from her prey, clawed feet digging into the mud for grip. Behind her, dragging the gargantuan carnivore with all his might, was none other than– "Chris!"
The green elephant grunted and strained as he heaved the seven-ton rex away from his brother using his arms and trunk. Even with elephantine strength, it was an arduous task. "Martin! Go help Eddie! I got your back!" With a tremendous swing, Chris then threw the T-rex a good distance away from the trailer, crashing on her side. The pachyderm blared a victorious trumpet as the she-rex struggled to right herself.
"You got it, dude!" Deciding that he was much faster without the added bulk of his elephant form, Martin deactivated his CPS and made a mad dash back to the trailer. Upon reaching his destination, the older Kratt was just about to reactive his suit when a earthshaking bellow caught him off guard. He turned around and spied the male charging straight for him. In that moment, a smirk appeared on his face an idea occurred to him.
  After inserting a particular creature power disk, Martin Kratt was ready.
  He sped past under the oncoming tyrannosaur's legs, ducking just in time to avoid a jaw snap that would have bitten him in half. In a split second, the Kratt in blue seized his chance, touching the pebbly skin on the rex's thundering foot before quickly rolling out of the way, lest the dinosaur crush him.
"Activate T-rex Power!"
In a vibrant flash of blue, the very earth shook as Martin transformed into the form of a gigantic Tyrannosaurus rex.
"Wow."remarked Eddie, totally amazed by Martin's transformation before he quickly resumed his previous task. The newly transformed T-rex soon followed, clamping his powerful jaws on the window frame, utilizing his enhanced strength to haul the twelve-ton trailer with little effort.
Meanwhile, Chris was struggling to hold his own against the two Tyrannosaurus. Even with his abilities, the green elephant was no match for the bigger, stronger, and more ferocious beasts. And that was not adding to account that he was badly outnumbered. The younger Kratt had succeeded in fending off the male only to find himself in a sticky situation as the female tyrannosaur suddenly attacked him from behind, seizing him in her jaws before shaking him like a rag doll.
"Thank– Aviva– for– upgrading– the Creature Power vests!"yelled Chris to no one in particular as he felt himself getting green– well, greener than usual as the gigantic predator continued to thrash and shake him violently. Thanks to his girlfriend's brilliant engineering, the CPS were now strong enough to withstand even the powerful jaws of a Tyrannosaurus rex.
Needless to say, the constant thrashing only caused the younger Kratt to become dizzy, and it took all of his willpower not to become sick.
"Time for me to switch Creature Powwweeeeeeers!"the last part was screamed out as the she-rex launched the creature adventurer more than forty feet into the air. Suddenly there was a brilliant flash of green light that illuminated the entire cliffside.
  "Activate Creature Power!"
On the ground, the female tyrannosaur lifted her giant head skywards, waiting for the strange green interloper to descend right into her open jaws. But instead of the small, two-legged morsel, she was greeted by a massive, barrel-like shape with an impressive head sporting three horns that crashed landed on right on top of her before she could react.
"Sorry, Momma Rex."said Chris apologetically from his place sitting upon the downed rex, now donned in a Triceratops Power suit. With a howl of fury, the enraged she-rex suddenly reared back, throwing her eight-ton burden splashing in the mud. Almost before the three horned Kratt could recover, the predatory dinosaur's teeth grabbed hold of his left brow horn, shaking her head violently engaging her prey in a deadly tug of war.
With his mate preoccupied with the green Triceratops, the male tyrannosaur turned his attention to a different quarry.
  Martin and Eddie had nearly succeeded in recovering the trailers when–
"Martin, watch out!" But Eddie's warning came too late as the male T-rex clamped his jaws on Martin's neck, earning a roar of pain from the blue rex.
"Not again!"
  The blue tyrannosaur struggled with all his might, eventually breaking free of the male's grip. Recovering quickly, Martin Rex countered with a tail whip to the other theropod's face, followed by a body slam that pushed him several yards back. The two tyrannosaurs eyed each other, baby blue meeting piercing red, baring their teeth before they charged at one another with open jaws.
As the two giants clashed, the huge carnivorous dinosaur was on the offense, trying to reach his blue enemy's snout and throat. For the most part, Martin ducked and weaved, avoiding his opponent's snapping jaws.
"Listen, Strongfang."the blue rex reasoned as the two combatants circled one another. "Can I call you Strongfang? This is all just a big misunderstanding. We don't wanna fight you. We were just trying to heal Little Chomper's broken leg. Now if you and Thundera over there can just go back to your nest, we'll just pick up our friends and be on our way–" but the older Kratt never had the chance to finish as the newly named Strongfang made his lightning lunge, head butting Martin square in the ribs with enough force to knock him over.
  The instant Martin went down, Strongfang immediately seized his opportunity and attempted to grab his rival's throat. But he was met with resistance as the Kratt in rex form used his powerful hind legs to hold him back. Then like a cracking whip, his tail lashed out, striking the Tyrannosaurus directly in the face. Strongfang staggered back, shaking his head, giving Martin the chance to regain his footing, but the Kratt in blue was barely back on his feet when he noticed the T-rex spitting out several broken teeth.
  Martin's eyes widened in dread. "I'm sorry."he squeaked apologetically.
With the force of a runaway freight train, Strongfang rammed the unprepared Kratt in the stomach, causing him to double over in pain. Before Martin could recover, the Tyrannosaurus seized him by the neck, pushing his enemy backwards. As he was forced back, the blue rex's eyes flew wide open in horror as he realized Strongfang's intended destination: a five hundred-foot drop to oblivion.
  The blue tyrannosaur's clawed feet dug desperately into the muddy ground in resistance, but his rival proved to be too powerful, clamping his teeth even deeper into Martin's neck as he forced him closer and closer to the edge. Suddenly the very earth began to give way, and time seemed to slow down as Strongfang released his grip, letting gravity finish off his rival.
Meanwhile Chris had succeeded in neutralizing  the female T-rex Thundera by knocking her out with a swing of his mammoth frill. But his triumph was short lived the moment he saw her mate's attack on his older brother.
"Martin!"cried the younger Kratt in horror, seeing his brother fall off the edge of the cliff. "No!"
The instant he was free falling, Martin deactivated from his T-rex form, making a mental note to thank Aviva for upgrading the arms to be more functional for this purpose. Once again in human form, the older Kratt descended like a blue arrow, his determined eyes already locked in on his destination; the lifesaving rope placed between Ian, Sarah, and Nick and certain death. Once he got close enough, Martin grabbed hold of the end of the rope which swung on impact, earning screams of shock from the dangling trio above him. The three dared to looked down, their eyes greeted by the sight of the creature adventurer in blue, smiling casually in their direction.
"So, how's it hanging?"he asked.
"Oh, just another Wednesday evening,"replied Malcolm dryly up above, with Sarah clinging desperately into his chest. "Y'know, hanging from the edge of a cliff here." Nick simply chuckled; if he was going to die here, might as well go out laughing.
Without thought to the perils to his own life, Chris raced to the cliff, coming to a screeching halt at the edge. The younger Kratt looked down grimly, dreading what he would find. "Martin!"he bellowed.
"I'm okay, Chris!"came Martin's voice from the bottom of the cliff, echoing from within the dangling trailer to be exact.
"Oh, thank goodness." Hearing his brother's voice and knowing that he was unharmed, the green Trike breathed a sigh of relief before charging an oncoming Strongfang head-on. The T-rex moved in for the attack, only to be rammed in the abdomen by Chriceratops' frill and horns. The force was enough to send the seven-ton carnivore crashing to the ground.
"Sorry, big guy! Nothing personal, we're just trying to save our friends."
  Meanwhile, Martin began to make the ascent, muttering quick apologies as he clambered over the dangling trio. "Sorry. Don't mind me. Just passing through," Unlike his peers, the seasoned creature adventure was able to climb the rope with relative ease, despite the cold rain slashing his face, and the fact that climbing wasn't really one of his strong suits, unlike his younger brother. Speaking of which, the older Kratt clambered on, determined to get to the top of this tin can, pull his friends out of harm's way as soon as possible in order to go back and help Chris and Eddie. Having made it to the top, Martin grabbed hold of the rope in order to haul Ian, Sarah, and Nick up to safety, but not before pulling out a certain power disk and fur sample from his shoe.
"Activate Black Bear Power!"
Back on the topside, Chriceratops found himself locked in mortal combat with Strongfang. The male Tyrannosaurus lunged and snapped while the green Trike swept his six-foot brow horns to keep those deadly jaws at bay. Eventually the giant theropod found an opening and seized his prey by the frill, thrashing vigorously in an attempt to grab the vulnerable neck. Chris lumbered backwards while shaking his mammoth head, but in doing so, he failed to see where he was going until his hindquarters consequently bumped into the trailer, causing it to rock.
"Hey! Watch it with the trailers!"shouted the technician.
"Sorry, Eddie!" the Kratt in green called out, before shaking off Strongfang's vice-like grip with a sideways swipe of his frill. "Get–off!"
Suddenly a thundering roar caught the green Triceratops off guard, and without further warning, he felt a horrible pain shoot through his left hind leg as Thundera, now fully conscious, sank her teeth into her target, and she didn't show any signs of letting go. Reacting instinctively, Chriceratops reared back on his hind legs, but that was when the male T-rex seized him in a throat hold before slamming the megaton herbivore to the ground. His mate was quick to prevent Chris from escaping by pinning him down under one of her three-toed feet, her teeth clenched on one of his horns.
  With Chriceratops out of the picture, Strongfang lumbered slowly towards Eddie's Jeep, fangs bared. The moment he saw the male T-rex approaching, the technician flashed his brights and honked his horn in an attempt to scare off the seven-ton carnivore. This only served to annoy the rex who blared a rumbling roar before he charged with open jaws!
With a lightning lunge, the Tyrannosaurus' formidable head crashed through the roof of the car before tearing it away with a violent jerk. Inside the car, the horrified tech expert screamed, ducking under the steering wheel while maintaining a steady pressure on the gas pedal. But he didn't go far as one of Strongfang's three-toed feet crashed down upon the vehicle, preventing the metal creature's escape. Outside, the T-rex continued his onslaught, ripping off a door as though it were paper. Trapped inside his fortress that was rapidly being torn asunder, the technician reached out for his only line of defense, the Lindstradt air rifle. One shot, and the Tyrannosaurus would go down. But to his horror, it was stuck, the gun barrel tangled on some netting on the car. Eddie frantically tried to pull the rifle while his attacker tore out the front drivers seat, causing the airbag to pop open.
"God help us!"he muttered as he tried in vain to release his weapon before– "AGGHHHHH!"
Eddie's agonized screams pierced the air as the male T-rex grabbed the man's leg with his powerful jaws, lifting him out of the car with no effort as though he were a rag doll.
Immobilized under the weight of the female, Chriceratops could only watch helplessly as her mate tossed the doomed technician into the air, opening his cavernous mouth in anticipation, lined with rows of razor sharp teeth ready to rend flesh and crush bones.
But just as the T-rex's teeth were about to close down on Eddie Carr, a flash of orange grabbed him in mid flight at the last moment, literally snatching the man from the jaws of death. Eddie landed unceremoniously on the ground, hollering in pain as he held his bitten leg while his savior landed gracefully on her feet, standing between the human and seven-tons of prehistoric terror.
"Amber!"cried Chris joyfully, despite his current predicament.
Strongfang bellowed furiously at having his prize stolen by this tiny, orange-colored interloper. "Get away from my friends, beast!" growled the young raptor, baring her teeth with an angry hiss.
The gigantic T-rex blared an earthshaking roar in an effort to drive away the minuscule pest, thundering a few paces forward. But Amber summoned the courage to stand her ground, her scaly hide flushing brilliant bright red as she narrowed her eyes in a glare. With a bloodcurdling screech of defiance, the young Velociraptor sprang into action!
  Meanwhile, Martin emerged from the demolished trailer, followed by Ian, Nick, and Sarah, all shaken and bruised, but alive. The Kratt in blue had just escorted the trio out from the gaping hole of the windshield when he was interrupted by Sarah's scream and a heavy thud. He looked to see Chriceratops slumped to the ground on his backside, pinned by his opponent's sheer bulk. To his horror, Thundera had Chris' neck in her jaws, clamping more and more pressure on his throat in spite of her prey's resistance.
It was every big brother's worst nightmare.
"Chris!"cried Martin, before rushing desperately into the fray, thoughtless of his own safety. Meanwhile, Sarah, Malcolm and Nick regained their senses and scrambled over to help a severely injured Eddie. "Don't worry, I'm coming, bro!"
  As the female Tyrannosaurus continued her chokehold, Chris' resistance became weaker and weaker, the life slowly being strangled out of him. Just then, he could hear thundering footfalls coming towards him, and–
"Get away from my brother!"
Another Tyrannosaurus, this one blue in color, came charging in at full speed, ramming into Chris' attacker, forcing her to relinquish her deadly grip. As the green Triceratops slowly regained his breath and his footing, his hazy brown eyes gradually adjusted themselves where he saw the blue T-rex boldly standing between him and an angry Thundera who roared in defiance.
"Martin!"he cried cheerfully, more than thankful for his brother coming to his rescue. The older Kratt turned his focus on his recovering sibling, beaming a toothy tyrannosaur grin.
"Couldn't let you have all the action. Besides, somebody's gotta watch your back."
As the two radically different species stood shoulder to shoulder to face their attacker, a piercing shriek diverted their attention, and they had just enough time to see Amber being effortlessly thrown against the trailer.
"Amber!"cried the bros as they watched the young raptor slump to the ground, wasting no time in rushing to her side.
"Amber! Are you okay?" Martin asked. The orange theropod slowly picked herself off the ground, shaking her head to ease the throbbing within.
"I am undamaged."she said. "Although I cannot say the same for that monster." Amber's first attack left Strongfang torn and bloodied, most notably along the flanks and his face sustained several fresh gashes. Yet the gigantic T-rex was no more wounded than an elephant bitten by a determined fly.
"Guys, watch out!" Alerted by Sarah's warning, the trio had just enough time to sidestep, narrowly avoiding a jaw snap from Thundera that could have easily taken one of their heads.
"That was a close one!" Chris exclaimed.
"Amber! Get Eddie and the others out of here!" Martin ordered. "We'll keep them busy."
"Yes, Martin!"said the Velociraptor who wasted no time in escorting the humans to the safety of the tree line, even helping the crippled technician hobble on his feet. The Tyrannosaurus pair took off in pursuit of the fleeing humans when two figures blocked their path. "Not so fast!"roared the blue rex, baring his teeth.
"You want our friends, you're gonna have to get through us."challenged the green Triceratops with a snort, steam billowing from his nostrils as he lowered his horns in anticipation.
Almost as if in acceptance of that challenge, the two megaton predators bellowed into the night, their terrifying roars mingling with the rolling thunder as they charged straight towards them, causing the very ground to shake with their footsteps. But against their better instincts which urged them to take flight, Martin and Chris stood their ground, awaiting the inevitable collision.
Then it came, a combined fourteen tons crashed head-on, straight into the two creature adventurers, the sheer force nearly knocking them off their feet. But the duo quickly recovered and had begun to fight back with fangs, horns and frills against the awesome might of their adversaries.
"Something's not right here."observed the Kratt in green who kept Strongfang at bay with his formidable spears.
"What do you mean?"asked Martin, dodging a bite from Thundera that would have taken his head.
"I get that tyrannosaurs are very devoted parents and fiercely territorial–" here Chriceratops rammed the male's unguarded underbelly, forcing him back, "but these two seem really bent on killing us. Yikes!" The green Trike leapt back to avoid a sudden jaw snap from the fallen brute.
"I hear ya, bro!"replied Martin Rex who was lying flat on his back, using his powerful hind legs to keep the she-rex's snapping jaws away. "Predators tend to avoid confrontation whenever possible and–" the Kratt in blue summoned the strength needed to push Thundera off, "most of these fights usually end in a draw." The female tyrannosaur lunged, only to be felled by a sweeping tail to the face. "Sorry!"
"You would think that they've had enough by now."the younger Kratt remarked with a puzzled frown. The two creature adventurers exchanged glances. In that moment, Martin Rex bellowed a thundering roar. "Whoah there!" To the bros' relief, the T-rex pair froze, giving the humans almost quizzical looks. "Look, why don't we just call it a truce? We're all tired and we really don't want any more trouble."
"We'll just be on our way, and you guys can go about your evening, take care of Little Chomper and forget we were ever here. And everybody's happy!"the green ceratopsian reasoned, just as though the two theropods could understand what they were saying. A nervous smile formed on his beak as they continued to stand motionlessly.
"Soooo.... no hard feelings?"asked the blue rex, beaming an innocent smile. For a brief moment, only the drumming of the rain and the roaring of the surf could be heard... before earthshaking bellows filled the night sky, and without further warning, the two T-rexes came barreling down upon the Kratt Brothers!
Screaming in unison, the two creature adventurers traded horrified glances. "Freeze frame?" Martin asked his brother.
"Freeze frame!" Chris replied with a squeak. Options limited, the pair quickly struck poses, as though they were suddenly turned to stone. Don't move, the blue tyrannosaur told himself, recalling the advice told to them by their old friend Dr. Alan Grant. They can't see you if you don't move. At his side, the green Trike had a similar mindset, forcing himself to stand his ground, not even blinking.
  But the Tyrannosaurus pair charged on, rapidly closing the distance. Thundera struck Martin Rex square on the chest, knocking the wind out of him. Strongfang seized Chriceratops by his right brow horn before spinning his rival around in a counter clockwise motion.
"This seemed like a good idea at the time!" Chris screamed as he was being spun around, everything passing in a blur. After what felt like an eternity, the bull T-rex released his grip, sending the Triceratops flying straight into a recovering Martin. Unfortunately for the older Kratt, the oncoming dinosaur cannonball was hurtling too fast to him to avoid.
  "Uh-oh. Ahhh!!!!" CRASH!!!
The two creature adventurers were knocked out cold, their Creature Power suits deactivated on impact.
With their prey now completely under their mercy, the two tyrannosaurs slowly lumbered towards the downed Kratts with murderous intent. But they never got a step closer when a flash of orange erupted out of the jungle undergrowth, standing between them and their intended targets.
  Having escorted Malcolm, Sarah, Nick and Eddie out of harm's way, Amber dashed back into the fray to aid Martin and Chris any way she could, only to find them overpowered by their colossal foes. A robotic gasp sounded from her CTT as the smaller dinosaur shrieked in horror, rushing to the fallen creature adventurers, thoughtless of the perils to her own life. "Martin! Chris!" she called out, reaching their side, frantically nudging their still forms with her snout. Growing more and more worried, Amber closed her eyes as she pressed an earhole against the older Kratt's chest. She remembered the times whenever Martin would allow her to sleep on his chest in the days when she was only a hatchling, became familiar with his slow breaths and the sound of his steady heartbeat. The theropod was rewarded by the sound of Martin's pulse. She did the same with Chris, and his steadily beating heart assured the raptor that the Kratt in green was also still alive and well. Inwardly relieved, Amber gently nuzzled their faces, rumbling a deep purr within her throat as she used her body to shield them from the pouring rain.
Sensing that the minuscule intruder posed little threat to themselves, Strongfang and Thundera continued their advance, only to be halted by a piercing hiss. Claws held in readiness, the young Velociraptor went into a pre attack crouch, golden eyes narrowed as her tail slowly swished from side to side in clear aggression, undaunted by the tyrannosaurs' tremendous size; it mattered not. Anyone or anything who dared to harm her caretakers would have to answer to her. They looked after her ever since she was a hatchling. Now it was her turn to protect them.
"I will not allow you to hurt my friends!"she snarled, her skin flushing bright red in warning. "Now I suggest you go away!"
  Unfazed by their new enemy's show of bravery or foolhardiness, the T-rexes thundered onwards to finish what they had started, flashing their many rows of teeth. The primeval protector lifted her head to the angry heavens, piercing the air with spine-chilling shrieks before rushing to meet them.
  After narrowly dodging the tyrannosaurs' gnashing teeth and stomping feet, the Velociraptor leapt vertically, landing onto Thundera's left flank. The she-rex howled as she wheeled rapidly, trying her hardest to shake off her attacker as the smaller theropod latched on for dear life, slashing and biting into the thick hide and flesh. Amber halted her onslaught just in time to see the male T-rex charging towards her. Reacting on instinct, the young raptor jumped unto the female's neck as Strongfang slammed his massive head onto his mate's side, evading a bite that would have bitten her in half. Even as she used her retractable claws, Amber struggled to maintain a firm grip as Thundera shook her head wildly in an effort to dislodge her unwanted burden. After a half-minute's struggle, the female Tyrannosaurus  gave a quick jerk, causing the raptor to lose her hold. In that split second, the orange theropod launched herself from this living platform and landed square on Strongfang's skull. Enraged, the male tyrannosaur snapped his salivating jaws furiously, thirsting to tear his adversary apart, his sensitive nostrils flaring as they took in the raptor's scent.
To his frustration and ire, Amber clung to his face like a barnacle to a rock, refusing to let go.
As she took a brief moment to consider her options, something caught her eye; some sort of domed cap that was dark gray. This was no natural growth as it was of mechanical origin, lined with crude wiring, clinging onto Strongfang's cranium like some metal parasite.
The young Velociraptor hissed; she knew what it was and who was responsible. "Zach Vermin-tech!"
These formidable beasts were merely only unwilling pawns of the evil inventor's mind control helmets.
As if sensing the Velociraptor's distracting thoughts, the mechanically possessed dinosaur gave a sudden sideways swing of his head, throwing Amber several yards away to the muddy ground. Fortunately the raptor had the reflexes to land on her feet. Once again, she stood before her caretakers who were still unconscious, but this time her fiery skin had reverted to its original orange, her anger gone.
"You poor, unfortunate creatures."said the young raptor morosely, her sad golden orbs staring the two towers of terror straight in their red, unblinking eyes. "Had I known of Vermin-tech's doing, I would never have raised my teeth and claws against you." No creature deserved to be forced against their will. "Allow me to be of help."
Driven by manipulation rather than instinct, the mammoth carnivores helplessly charged on. But the freethinking Velociraptor anticipated their thundering advance and jumped out of the way on time. Instead of the raptor's soft flesh and bones, the tyrannosaurs' powerful jaws sank into the hard exterior of the trailer, the metal screaming under pressure.
That was the moment Amber was waiting for; while the rexes were completely distracted, she seized the opportunity to leap upon Strongfang's exposed right flank and climb upon his immense back.
"Forgive me if this hurts." she said apologetically as her talons had more than once broken the skin; if it weren't for the mind control helmet, the tyrannosaur would be roaring in pain. With the balance and fleetness of an acrobat, Amber raced half the length of Strongfang's forty-foot body until she was clinging onto the back of his neck. Before her determined gaze was the infernal device still attached to his skull. Without a moment's hesitation, the raptor clamped her jaws on the helmet, crushing it as effortless as if it were a tin can. That task completed, Amber wasted no time in leaping off of the towering behemoth below her who froze with a jolt, as if zapped by an electric current as he regained control of his senses, shaking his head.
But instead of landing on the muddy ground, the Velociraptor found herself being greeted by Thundera who welcomed her with open jaws!
  With lightning fast reflexes, Amber wedged her clawed feet on the she-rex's maxilla and mandible and utilized her strong hind legs to prevent the tyrannosaur from clamping down on her. But the Velociraptor's resistance was short lived as the beast's powerful jaw muscles slowly overpowered her hold, closing shut with a SNAP!
As she sprang out of range, Amber shrieked in pain as Thundera's teeth slightly grazed her left foot, drawing blood. After landing on the roof of the trailer, the injured raptor inspected her foot. To her relief, the only damage done was just a scratch. It could have been much worse.
"Whoah!" The young raptor yelped in surprise as the trailer suddenly began to shake and shudder as Thundera's seven-ton bulk collided against the front, jaws snapping furiously as she tried to reach the orange pest who kept well out of reach. Amber struggled to stand upright as the mechanically possessed T-rex continued her onslaught. And as the Velociraptor took a brief moment to look back, she noticed that the force of each impact caused the trailers to slide once again towards the edge of the cliff.
It was now or never. Time seemed to slow down as Amber catapulted herself on top of the she-rex's head. One bite pulverized the diabolical contraption to scrap metal.
  After retreating a good distance from the female Tyrannosaurus who slowly regained her bearings, the young raptor's eyes scanned the cliffside warily for the male T-rex, only to find that the spot where he occupied was empty. She tilted her head questioningly.
  "Where did the male go?"
Amber's answer came with a thundering roar, and without further warning, she felt a horrible pain clamp down on both her sides, earning an agonized cry from the Velociraptor, before being lifted nearly two stories off the ground. Even without the influence of Zach, the tyrannosaurs' hardwired instincts to defend their territory and to protect their offspring overrode any senses of gratitude, especially when this particular creature posed a serious threat to their young; where there was one of these deadly, fleet-footed predators, more would surely follow.
  Seconds away from certain death, Amber instinctively reached out and sank her serrated teeth into Strongfang's sensitive nose, biting down with all her might. The bull Tyrannosaurus reeled back, releasing his hold on the raptor who was sent flying several yards before falling back to earth in a THUD! her Creature Thought Translator falling out on impact.
  Severely wounded, the young raptor laid helplessly on the ground, and despite all her efforts, she was powerless to move as the two Tyrannosaurus closed in. One careless step of a giant three-toed foot smashed Amber's translation device, causing her heart to sink. Before too long, the gigantic theropods towered over her meek form, their massive bodies blotting out the slashing rain, glassy yellow eyes glowing in the darkness. As she laid motionless, Amber took a fleeting glance to Chris and Martin who, along with the rest of the Wild Kratts team, had raised her for the past four years, nurtured her and accepted her for who and what she was. From her place on the muddy ground, the orange theropod warbled sadly; she had failed to protect them.
  With a snort of resignation, the Velociraptor turned her head away, golden eyes firmly shut as she awaited those hellish jaws to seal her fate. Once they were done with her, the beasts would waste no time in finishing off the creature adventurers, still lying unconscious, completely under their mercy.
But the jagged fangs never came.
Somewhere in the darkness, a distinctive barking call was heard, causing Strongfang and Thundera to halt their advances. Then out of nowhere, a striped flash charged forward with a bloodcurdling shriek, wedging itself between the fallen raptor and her assailants. Hearing the familiar voice, Amber's eyes flew wide open to see Tiger Claw standing over her in all his glory, boldly facing off against the tyrannosaurs, flashing his serrated teeth and displaying his formidable claws.
The T-rexes roared defiantly, trying to frighten the impudent creature standing between them and their prey. Strongfang made a quick lunge forward with open jaws. The leader in stripes simply sidestepped, narrowly avoiding a bite that would have taken his head. As the male rex moved in for the attack, he roared in pain as two more Velociraptors made a surprise attack of their own, a dark brown theropod clinging onto the back of his neck, while his green companion bit deeply into the giant's left ankle. As Slasher and Makucha continued with their onslaught on Strongfang, all the while without getting caught, the she-rex found herself being held back by multitudes of snapping, snarling raptors.
While the rest of the pack held the Tyrannosaurus pair at bay, Malaika, Clawjumper, and the twins formed a protective ring around Martin and Chris who were slowly coming back to life. The white female even did her best to try and revive the two humans, gently nudging them with her snout and licking them. Her efforts were rewarded by their soft groans and a groggy mumbling from the Kratt in blue.
For all the tyrannosaurs' efforts, the smaller yet faster carnivores proved to be elusive, keeping well out of reach of their powerful jaws, literally running circles around the giants. Exhausted, severely outnumbered and injured, though none too serious for wear, the need to guard their young ultimately outweighed any desire to further engage the Velociraptor pack. As though by a silent signal, the two rexes turned tail and lumbered off back to the jungle, which seemed to swallow the seven-ton predators into its inky black depths.
  But there was little time for celebration on the raptors' part; weakened by blood loss, Amber was slowly losing consciousness and it could only be a matter of time before the tyrannosaurs returned. Malaika and Clawjumper immediately rushed to the injured female's side, the latter tending to her wounds while the former looked imploringly to her brother. The look in her blue eyes were easily interpreted by Tiger Claw: they had to take Amber out of here or she will die. The leader in stripes hardly had the time to consider his sister's request when another raptor erupted out of the undergrowth, coming to a full stop before the pair. The scout cocked his head submissively to the alpha before chittering his alarming report; Man was coming. Very many of them.
  The young leader growled; he was not taking any chances. He sounded an alarm to the rest of his pack; they would retreat. The pack did not need to be told twice as the vast majority had scampered off into the darkness of the forest without a sound.
Satisfied to see his pack falling back, the alpha turned his attention to a more serious matter at hand. With Slasher and Makucha's aid, Tiger Claw was able to hoist the unconscious Amber upon his strong back. With the wounded female now safely secured, the young leader was the last to leave the clearing, weighed down by his physical burden and his duties to make sure none were lagging behind.
Standing at the edge of the tree line, he took a moment to look back on the two humans who had become the unlikely allies to his pack, still unmindful of the pouring rain or the potential threats that nearly ended them. Malaika had assured him that they would awaken soon enough. Although he did not like their decision to aid the baby T-rex, at least their hearts were in the right place.
They did not have to worry about Amber. He and his pack will do everything in their power to take care of her.
And he disappeared into the jungle's black depths.
**** I'm back! Sorry it took so long. Boy, action sequences are tough to write (especially martial arts..) but rewarding all the same! And as you've probably noticed, I've also taken a few liberties to make several changes to the storyline. I mean let's face it, Eddie did not deserve his fate so I let him live. Besides, he's got backup this time around. But don't think I'm going soft just because I spared a guy's life. They're not out of the woods yet, their troubles have only just begun...

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