Teen Wolf Preferences

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You Make Up

Scott: You run out of his house and run to your car about to drive away but somebody stops you.

"(y/n). I'm so sorry. I just lost control. I didn't mean to hurt you." He said.

"Scott, that's not why I'm mad. You didn't listen to me and you said you didn't care. My arm can heal but that really hurt." You said with tears still down your face.

"I didn't mean that. I'm sorry for not listening. I just need to protect everyone, protect you. I didn't know what else to do." He said unsteadily. You saw his eyes water and he looked down. You sighed.

"I know Scott, come here." You said with your arms open. He walked to you and wrapped your arms around you. He pulled your face to his and you kissed and everything that just happened seemed like it got erased from your memory.

Stiles: You still sat outside his door listening to him talk to sheriff.

"Dad, I don't know what to do. I love her and I think I just lost her." You heard him say. It sounded like he was crying.

"You really love her. I can tell. Go after her, Son." He said. You heard foot steps and then the door open. It was Stiles. He looked around and found you sitting in a corner on his front porch. He walked to you and knelt down in front of you uncovering your face from your hands.

"Baby, I'm so sorry." He said. You saw tears running down his face and you wiped them away.

"Why did you do it?" You said still not being able to speak clearly.

He sighed. "Well, for the past week, I've been visiting my mom's grave." Your eyes widened. You understood. "I couldn't stand it so I started drinking when I was there to kind of... make it easier." He said, his breaths were uneven. He looked as if he was going to cry more so hugged him.

"Stiles... Why didn't you tell me? I could've went with you. I could've met your mother." You said. He lifted his head off your shoulder and looked you in the eyes.

"I love you." He said. He didn't look away from your eyes. You leaned in and kissed.

You pulled away and said, "I love you too." He smiled widely. "Now let's go clean your room up and then we can go have a catfish marathon like always, okay?" You said smiling.

"Okay." He said and you walked back into his house and saw sheriff sitting on the couch holding the remote up.

"Season 1 or 2." He said smiling.

Derek: You were sitting at a park crying because of what Derek did. You knew he was a werewolf, but you also knew that he was able to control himself. You thought he was your best friend.

"(y/n)." you heard and you looked up. It was Derek. Your hand was still covering the side of your face the he scratched but he moved it away. "I'm so sorry." he said with his hand down.

"Why did you do that Derek? I just wanted to know what was wrong." you said. He looked up.

"I love you." he said. Your eyes widened.

"What?" you said even though you heard clearly what he said.

"I love you (y/n), but I know you dont feel the same wa..." he said but you interrupted him by kissing him. He was caught off gaurd but he kissed back.

You pulled away. "I love you too." You said smiling and you forgave him.

Liam: You ran. You didn't know where you were going but you just kept running. Something grabbed your arm and you turned around. Liam. You were scared.

"Wh...wha...tt what are you?" I said terrified.

He sighed. "I'm a werewolf. I got bitten the first day of lacrosse tryouts." He continued explaining.

"So... you're a werewolf. Scott's a werewolf and he was the one who bit you when you were getting attacked by a wendigo. Lydia's a banshee. Malia is were-coyote. Kira is a kitsune." he nodded. "So what is Stiles?" you asked.

"Stiles is just Stiles." he said chuckling.

"Wow." you said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for attacking you. I haven't really learned how to control it. I understand if you want to break up with me..." he said with his head down.

"Are you kidding me! My boyfriend is a werewolf! That's awesome!.. once you learn to control it. But this is amazing!" You said jumping. He laughed and kissed you.

"You're amazing." he said.

"I know!" You replied laughing.


(a/n) // Somebody requested a part two so here you go! I hope you enjoyed! Please comment your requests so I know what to do. Love you guysss!

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