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So as you guys have read (or maybe not) in the description that this is an alternate universe and forgive my lazy self for doing this, once again, last minute. This is for -YanYan-chan-'s forth contest. I'll explain the scene by the end of the story. Let's start the story~


"Hey Lui."

He didn't expect much response from the emotionless male sitting atop of the bed as he entered the room.

Crimson red eyes flicker over towards the gift he brought to him, sparkling to life once he notices its messy fur was combed neatly.

He went towards to where the chocolate brown teddy bear was sitting atop of the wooden table, fur combed neatly.

He took it into his hand, eyeing it carefully, a smile slowly splitting across his face.

"What would you like to name this bear?"

No response.

He shrugged it off as he continued his one-sided conversation.


He suggested as he placed the bear down.

He looked at the expressionless face that belonged to his childhood friend, Lui Shirasagijo.

He sighed as he clenched his fists, muttering that he will get revenge against The Balance Of Ares system.

Feeling his throat is parched from all that screaming he did earlier on during his match against Kidokawa Seishuu, he let out a sigh and flashed a smile towards the dull baby blue-haired male.

"I'll be back in a moment."

He left the room to get a drink.

Not long after he was gone, another individual had visited.

He strided into the room, a bouquet of sunflowers hid behind his back.

"Hello Lui."

A smile formed on the sunny pale complexion of the Spanish male. He presented the bouquet to which the lavender purple-eyed male accepted with a faint smile upon his lips.

An expression to which he expressed only towards this stranger.

"Hm? A bear? I thought you didn't like them anymore?"

He tilted his head to face the orange-red-haired male inspecting the teddy bear, an eyebrow raised.

He did not say a thing, not finding the need to as the male placed it to the far end of the table.

The male sat down beside him, eyes lighting up as he proceeded to talk about his day whilst the lavender purple-eyed male turned to focus on him, gripping onto the bouquet of flowers.

Little did they know, the teddy bear the white-haired male bought for him toppled over and landed into the rubbish bin.


And I am finished---

I don't know if any of you kind of  understand what I'm trying to type out here.

Honestly the scene was actually based of Inazuma Eleven : Ares No Tenbin Episode 6 or 7. 

I'll explain the scene (though forgive me if it is incomprehensible T^T)

R is A's childhood friend. A left R's neighborhood because of the program she is undertaking. When A came back, she didn't show any emotions and she couldn't walk anymore. When R was walking in the city, he watched with a bunch of people an advertisement that was advertise from one of the bigger screens about The Balance Of Ares. He soon grew resentful and started playing soccer so he can get back at them. A had given R a teddy bear that marked their very first meeting.

R had given A a teddy bear when he visited her. A still didn't show any signs that she was getting better, when R left, Y came in. He gave her a bouquet of flowers to which she accepts with a smile. Y had placed the teddy bear far off the table's corner while saying that he thought she no longer liked them. He then proceeds to talk to her.

Yep. That's all.

I  hope you guys understand what I'm trying to write or maybe not since I haven't clarify.

R is Shu.

A is Lui.

Y is Free.

Ooh RAY. The Mystic Messenger's Ray. Uhm, sorry. Off topic.

Hehehe and to come---

once again, off topic.

Word count is 679 words.


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