Chapter 3

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Scott's pov

There has been more murders since we found the girl in the woods with the W on her forehead.Deaton found out that it was pixies that killed her.I know right pixies, I almost laughed too when he said that but then he said the they weren't the fairytall pixies ,no they are alto more blood thirsty.The other murders have been done by different supernatural's.

So far we have narrowed it down to wendigos,pixies,vampires and the witch herself.

(Not very good at fight scenes but I will try my best so please excuse me if it is bad😊)

Right now me, peter,Liam,Boyd,and my new beta dax are out protroling in Preserve when all of a sudden we here movement to our right.All of us immediately get into our fight stance wolfed out and growling when 5 windigos jump out behind the brush and run towards us.Peter attacks the first one while I tackle the second one to the ground and after that is just an all out frenzy of claws, fangs, and growls.I throw the Wendigo against a tree which gives me sometime to look around see how the others are handling it.Most of them are doing fine with cuts and bite on them but are quickly healing I look over at dax and see a Wendigo on top off him as I am about to go over and help him the Wendigo that I threw into the tree bites my shoulder and drags me down.I scream in pain as I try to get it off mewhen it is suddenly yanked of me by peter and thrown to the ground and before I can even tell him to stop he rips its throat instantly killing it.I get up and push peter saying"why did you do that?" he looks me in the eye with a erased eyebrow with blood cover his face and says"really he was about to ripe you open and have you for dinner,what else was I supposed to do?""Knock him out.Anything but kill him."I yell at him completely forgetting the others."And when I knonked him out what were you going to do then to a born cannibal.""I -I- I was going to get Deaton to try and fix him.""You can't fix him that is what he was born to do its his instink." Maybe we could-"hey your beta's getting killed"he stats as he gives me a blank look.

I look over at dax and see the wendigo about to plunge its hand inside his chest when Boyd grabs its hand twist it behind its back and throws it into a tree behind him with so much force the tree breaks in half.Its knocked out.I look around and see that old the wendigo's are all taken care of and everyone's alright. I ask dax if his ok he just nods as if his in shock ,well he probably is i mean he was almost killed.

As we are about to get the wendigo's and take them to Deaton we hear buzzing almost like a swarm of bees. We look up and see thousands of pixies coming towards us.But instead they go for the wendigo's instead and swarm them.We can barley see what is happening until we start hearing screams over the buzzing."There eating them." peter says as he walks by"we should take this chance and go."No, we ca-""Look we can't take on all of them thay will eat us alive like there doing them."he points to the swarm of pixies.

I start to argue again when I am grave by each arm with peter on one side and Boyd on the other."Come on those things are almost done a-"he suddenly screams when a pixie bites him the forearm."Fuck that hurt!!"he says as he grabs it with his and and crushes it."Come on there started to bite us now"peter says as him and Boyd start to drag me away faster with the others running behind.I try to get of there hold to see if I could help when I look at dax and see the terrified look on his face as he tries to swat the pixies away when I feel a sharp pain in my leg that feels like its tearing at every nerve in my body and look down to see a pixie chewing at my knee.I swat it away as I try to get over the excruciating pain that is overwhelming me.After that I just give up fighting as I see that it is useless and let them drag me back to the loft.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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