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Casper POV

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Casper POV

It's been two days since Cody apologized to everyone. Jaxon and Hunter still doesn't like him. Kira and I are on the fence about him. Cody didn't really do anything to Kira to piss her off and I just want the past to be in the past. So if that means forgiving the dick than so be.

"What are you doing after school today?" Hunter asked sitting down at the lunch table

"Probably going to rewatch Teen Wolf why what's up." I say taking a fry

"I got another D on the math test and I was hoping you would tutor me." He said blushing and looking down

"Yeah no problem. We can meet up at my house after school." I say
"But you know Jaxon's smarter than me so maybe you could him" I say

This can be the prefect opportunity for them to become friends.

"Yeah sure I'll ask him but if he says yes you have to be there." Hunter says

That's when Cody takes a seat next to Hunter.

"Hey losers what's up." Cody said eating his lunch " Where is the married couple?"

"Have I ever told you how much I hate you." Hunter said glaring at Cody

"Wow you sound just like Jaxon, maybe he's the one you should be trying to bone." Cody said

"Seriously"I said rolling my eyes

" Look just because I apologized and grace you with my presents everyday doesn't mean you can tell me what to do. Hell if I wanted to I could kick your ass right now." Cody said smirking at me

"Fuck you." I say leaving the table

Jaxon POV

"Jaxon take a seat." Mr.Debone told me

I was sent to the office for reasons unknown. This could be about Cody and I's fight or the skipping class. Is could also be about my comments about some of the teachers. Other than that I don't believe I did anything wrong.

" You're not in trouble even though we both know if I wanted to I could be expel you multiple reasons. I called you to my office because I wanted to talk to you about your father." He said looking at his notes

"Okay yeah what about him?" I asked
I don't know where this is coming from my dad hasn't been up to the school in years.

"We know about his drinking problem and I wanted to tell you if you ever need help you can always come to me." He said

"I'm sorry but his drinking problem has nothing to do with you or me for that matter. I mean yeah he can say some hurtful shit but I can take it." I say rolling my eyes which I find to be doing a lot more nowadays

"I'm sorry if I offended you-" he began to say before I cut him off

"You didn't. Thanks for the concern but trust me it's not needed. But If anything changes you have my word i will tell you." I say getting up to leave

"Wait there's one more thing. If my memory is acting right you and Cody used to be friends." He said more of a question

"When we were like five" I said

"Well his dad just passed and I know with your history you could help him out. Yes I know he's a dick but..." he was trying to find the words to say

"Yeah I get what you're saying. I'll talk to him and make sure he stays out of trouble." I say headed towards the door

"Thank you and just know you're not alone anymore." He said

I leave the room without another word.

Cody POV
I see Jaxon walk over to the table not looking to happy but I don't ever remember him ever looking happy. He was a lot happier when we were younger. I can't believe we used to be best buddy's. Until the friendly ghost started to come around. Was I still mad about him stealing my best friend?


"Hey asshole your coming over my house after school today." Jaxon said

"Which one" Hunter said glaring at Jaxon

"He's asshole." He said pointing at me "your name is dickhead." He said pointing at Hunter

"Wait why am I coming over your house I kinda already scheduled something with one of the cheerleaders." I say with my usual smirk

"Well cancel it we need to talk." He said walking away from the table

~After School~ Cody Pov

"Why am I here Jaxon?" I asked ready to get this

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2018 ⏰

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