🔥Author's Note🔥

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I just want to thank everyone that has been here through this journey. This journey of writing, writer's block, struggling with character development, and other things with this book. It hasn't all been sunshine and roses, and it definitely hasn't all been a good plot. However, so many of you have stuck around even after I've drafted this damned story so many times. You've stuck around and supported me, and I'm forever thankful.

What you're about to read, is a story about a literal devil that wants to break a mortal. However, it becomes more than that as the story progresses, and if you've read this in the past, I encourage you to start over. I've edited this book, and changed a lot. I mean a lot of stuff. I've changed the plot some, I've changed the prologue, I've changed how I'm ending it, and the list goes on. You may start the book thinking it's the same, but I promise you that it isn't.

If you're a new reader, old reader, or somewhere in between, I just hope that you enjoy what I have written. I also hope you fall in love with Hena like I have, for they're sure as hell not perfect characters, but their bond is stronger than it looks.

Also—disclaimer—when I write fanfiction, I think of it as the celebrity playing a character in a movie or tv show. This book in no way reflects the actual characterization of Harry Styles. He's more of my muse as I create a whole other person with a million flaws and questionable ideas.

I love all my readers and followers, for I wouldn't be here without you. Thank you all, and I hope you enjoy visiting/revisiting this wild ride of a story. For, my friend, it's one ride.

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