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Cheryl's POV:

As I start making my way to start the race off between Jughead Archie and the ghoulies. I walk past a beautiful tan girl with pink hair that makes me feel something that I've only felt with heather..but I push those feelings and thoughts out of my head.

"Uhh I usually do the honors" the stunning girl says

"Not today cha cha I was born for this moment" I say making sure she knows her place even though I didn't want to be mean to her something about her just makes me wanna put my walls down and express myself but then again I leave those feelings out and start the race.

Toni's POV:

As I noticed the stunning taller girl in front of me I could already tell she was probably really popular and somewhat bitchy. But I didn't let that get in the way of my attraction, I wasn't gonna lie to myself and say she wasn't attractive because god damn she was her fiery red hair ,with her plump red lips mad me very interested in getting to know her more than friends. The race has started and when she did the honors I wasn't even mad, I actually enjoyed watching her look like she owned the place.

As sweetpea and fangs notice I've been looking at her sweets comes up to me getting me out of my gaze with saying "your drooling topaz"
"Oh shut up pea, it's not like you weren't looking at any of the other girls form the northside..right fangs?" I quickly respond with
"Ahh yes sweet pea and you maybe me looking at the north side girls but I in matter of fact am looking at that fellow there *points to Kevin Keller*".

And with that Toni and her group of friends laugh and spend the rest of the day together while watching the intense race between the ghoulies and the two surprisingly best friends.

But one thing does cross he mind while with the boys and that one thing is Cheryl blossom Cheryl nor Toni didn't know yet but they both do need each other and will soon become fond with one another..

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