Part 1

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You have been looking forward to go to the % Seconds of Summer's gig for months now. You was lucky to get tickets, especially for front row! You had to be at the venue for 6pm because that was when the doors open for a 7pm start, but you still had to collect your wristbands because for some reason tickets was posted to you so you can collect the wristbands there. You and your best friend decided to leave at 4:30pm so you will be there in plenty of time as the venue was half an hour away, but then there was traffic. It was 3pm when you was getting ready. You decided to wear your black skater skirt, your 5SOS shirt and a white and black bandana. You curled your hair and had your make up as natural. You was ready for about 4:15pm, but you still had to eat. Your mom already made you something so you quickly ate it. It was 4:25 when you heard the car horn outside. You kissed your family goodbye, grabbed your ticket and rushed out of your house and into your friend's parent's car. 

"Hey (y/n) I'm so excited!" Your best friend exclaimed excitedly. 

"Hey! Omg! Same! I can't wait! I have been fangirling so much today because we are front row and we eventually get to see our boys with such amazing seats!' You replied excitedly. 

"Imagine if Ashton fell in love with you and Luke fell in love with me" your best friend exclaimed. You hope it would happen, but you knew deep down that it would never come true because you didn't feel like the pretty girl a celebrity would fall for. 

"I very doubt Ash would fall for me, (bf/n)" you signed. Deep down you hoped it would happen, but you was in doubt that it made you feel anxious of how you looked. 

When you eventually got to the venue, there was already some fans outside singing 'Don't Stop'. 

"I thought we was early" your best friend said. 

"Same" You laugh. Your best friend kissed her parents goodbye and you both got out of the car. 

"We should get our wristbands before more people come" You insisted. 

"I agree" your best friend told you. You both made your way up the steps and into the venue and to the desk. You show them your tickets and in exchange you are given your wristbands and you both put them on. You hear a roar of screaming girls outside at this moment of time, and you both realize the boys just arrived. 

"Omg the boys are here: your best friend squealed. You both rush to the door so you could have a look. The boys were walking straight past you, they was so close that you could touch them. You was watching them in astonishment, shaking. Ashton glanced over at you and his beautiful smile spread across his face. You was astonished and began to blush a little. Ashton whispered something in Calum's ear and they both glanced over. Calum nodded back to Ashton. You watched them walking with the security guards as they got pushed along. 

"I wonder what he said?!" You asked your best friend once they was gone. 

"I don't know...maybe what I said is coming true" she joked. You was still in doubt, but your hope was building gradually. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2014 ⏰

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"She Looks So Perfect" Ashton Irwin Imagine/FanficWhere stories live. Discover now