2/7 obvious

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Grays p.o.v.

I didn't tell her time or place but I already walked away so to not look like an idiot I just walked away. Nice going gray, this is exactly how to get the girl you like.
  Just act a complete fool. Just keep your cool ...

Your p.o.v.

The next day brought to you by waffles :3

"TEAM NATSU!" Erza yells by the mission board signaling us to go towards her

"Yes ma'am?"  I march towards her like a troop

"Aye!" Happy says

"My rent is due soon..." Lucy states

"It better involve food !" Natsu says with excitement

"Yup here." Gray says as he wraps his arm around my shoulder

"An easy mission to serve some people at a restaurant. All in?" Erza asks

"I'm Nat su sure I wanna go." I say trying to be funny and corny at the same time

  They gave me a poker face

"Y/n...." gray says with a really face

Natsu starts laughing.

"Guys ! Don't you get it my name ha !"

Natsu the only one laughing 😬😅😂

Time skip brought to you by my bad jokes ;)

"Everyone should be changed !" Lucy says

The clothes were inappropriate. A tight crop top with some tiny shorts.

"Guys I don't like this." I say as I shyly show them what I look like

"You look stunning!" Erza says

"Gray will think so too." Lucy smirks

"L-Lucy!!!....wait really you think?"

"Definitely." Erza chuckles

We head out to see the guys with a shirt on and some pants on. But the shirt was a v-neck so you could see their chest. Gray was....hot...I mean he looked cool 😂(bad jokes with jay pt.2)

Gray inspected me, up and down and smirked. He walked towards me, each step he took, the more nervous I got.

I'm all red and walk towards a table. With 3 guys.

"Hello May I take your order?" I smile

"I'll take a slice of your ass with a side of your number." One tells me

"I'm sorry that's not in the menu." I say trying not to get annoyed

"Make it a special then.." another guy comments

"Are these men bothering you?" Gray ask as he comes from behind me

"Back off, can't you tell we're busy here." The third guy said

"Is that your hoe?" The first guy comments

"How about you shut the fu-" I couldn't finish because gray interrupted me

"She's my girl so I'm gonna need you to back off. And leave because we will no longer be serving you." Gray says

"Awe cmon share some." The guy comments

"Nope all mine." Gray grabs them all by the collar and throws them out

"WE'RE PUTTING A BAD REVIEW!" They tell us as they walk away

"Ummm thanks but I'm not your girl. And I could stand up for myself." I tell gray

"Not yet at least. And I know. Back to work !" He smiles

"Ice princess has a thing for you." Natsu whispers to me

"Way to state the obvious." I smile at the thought of gray and I.

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