Chapter 11 (a date?)

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Your pov:

After what jack said that day, I never really talk to him now or see him.

I changed classes in English to Mr. Z He was cute with his blue hair he would dye it here and there and he was also in a heavy metal band called Carmeria (check them out). He plays as the guitarist in the band.

I ended up staying in Mr. Fischbach class or Mark class and we just ended up being friends.

It's almost the end of the year are the Formal/Prom is coming up quickly. I don't even have a date yet.

Lately me and Jonathan have been hanging around. He would mostly come over to mine, he just hated his parents and didn't want me to see them, but I think there really nice. I would walk around the playground sometimes and see Jack looking over with guilt in his eyes at what he said that day I did feel kinda bad...

Today me and Jon thought it would be fun if we went to the park and be kids again. As we walk there Jon ends up grabbing my hand and holding it, I blushed light pink I tried holding in the rest... Thank God I did.

We made it to the park and Jonathan let's go of my hand and we sat on the swing together it was only 9:12pm and nobody was around.

As we swung together, I felt the cold touch my face from the wind. I love that feeling and I know Jon loves it too. I swung really high and saw the stars. It was pretty "it's a beautiful night, isn't it?" Jon said "ye-yeah I love it" I said back.

Jonathan jumps off the swing and lands on the ground safely.

I stopped my swing to see what Jon had to say "so... I was thinking" he says, and I cut him off "you were thinking? " I giggled "that formal/prom night is coming up and I was wondering.... If you wanta go with me?" He speaks.

I stood there still frozen almost "yo-you mean li-like an da-te??!" I say "yeah?" He speaks. I stood still for about a minute so I could think and then I made up my mind "I would love to Jonathan" I said and ran up to him to hug him. I think Jonathan was a bit shocked that I said yes, I was guessing he thought I was gonna say no.

But now I'm thinking will Seán be there?

I really do care for him.

I guess I do love him, don't I?

I now kinda reject me and Jon on a date now... 

H20SkyGirl: hey guys it meee sorry I was kinda not bothered to write anything today and plus I just got me new glasses and I dyed my hair green!  I had about two people who came up to me and said jacksepticeye....  Even though for 9 years people said I look like Anthony Padilla once from Smosh...  :( and oh Mr.  Z is the like the best he is a Gothic teacher and I swear he is sooooo cool!  Oh and last thing this book might end nexts chapter soooo yeah...  Anyway guys punch that vote button in the face LIKE A BOSS And high fives all around and I'll she you dudes in the nexts chapter!!!

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