💮Chapter 2💮

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Cole opened his eyes, finding himself pinned underwater by sand and rocks that had collected over time.

Four-hundred years of sleep.

Four-hundred, seventeen years on earth. 

You could have seen the tears forming in his eyes if it wasn't for the extreme amount of water he was stuck under.

He squirmed, shaking the sand off of his brown leather tunic. He shook his arm, freeing it from the rocks it was pinned under.

He didn't need to breath. That scared Cole but he was too tired to think or speak. He knew he couldn't speak. It would be bubbles instead of words.

'Purple, Green and blue' Something, or someone, hummed in Cole's ear. No it was in his head. You can't speak underwater.

The other arm was free.

Green, blue and purple feathers glowed through the pale light that managed to glow through the water.

4 Purple, green and blue feathers that stuck out of each his upper arms.

5 Blue, green and purple feathers the protruded from his each of his lower legs.

He swam up through the water when he freed himself, and he hovered an inch above the water... But how?

His ears were ringing from the near silence. It would have been silent if the wind died down.

'Hm.' Cole looked down at his reflection that rippled the water as droplets slid off of Cole's leather tunic, dripping back into the water before it could soak into the baggy ankle length jean shorts.

Cole looked at the feathers in his arms and legs then when he looked back into his reflection he saw a bright, bright green eyed boy with Coles slightly round face and defined features.

'Same eye shape, same hair style, same pale skin colour, same freckles.' Cole checked off the boxes he imagined in his head.

A shocked look formed on his pale face. He came to the realisation it was him.

The boy with hair that looked like it was made out of a shiny feathers, green with blue and purple tips forming halfway. Like a hummingbird's metallic feathers.

"No..." Cole said allowed, looking back into the green orbs that were reflected in the water. His brown eyes that his mother bestowed upon him were gone, as was his dark hair that he inherited from his father.

Cole found himself hovering closer and closer to the water, his long legs so close to returning back to his watery grave and his bare feet almost hit the chilling water

A look of pure confusion and terror was frozen on his face, then after processing it a huge goofy grin replaced the petrified frown.

Cole attempted to glide gracefully down to shore instead of continuing to hover above the water.


Cole ended up close to crash landing into the mud, but that didn't remove his ridiculous grin that seemed to be there to stay. He noticed the silhouette of feathered wings as he tried to fly across again. The transparent wings changed colour from, as you probably guessed, green to purple and blue.

The grin became more ridiculous.

This time Cole actually did crash-land, then his expression softened at the sight of a hummingbird. A normal hummingbird.

Cole watched the way the hummingbird moved around. The way it moved it's wings. He tried to mimic it with the wings that were see through like glass that had been slightly stained. Like not-so-stained glass.

Cole jumped up, hovering again. He glided up. It looked okay enough. Kind of. Cole glided back down.

"Hmft" he made a sound like half laughter with a hint of accomplishment. Yes. Just a hint.

"JAMIE STOP!" A child-like voice called out, followed by the sound of running on grass.

"IT'S THE GAME! YOU'RE IT! THAT'S THE RULES! JORDIE!" Another voice responded.

Cole stuck his head out from behind the oak tree he crashed into.

'Their clothing looks weird... Too many bright colours. That looks... Wait..' Cole thought.

'It's been four-hundred years, Hummingbird. Things have changed since your time.' The voice returned to Cole's mind once more.

"Who are you?" Cole spoke aloud, attracting the attention of the two children.

One of the kids had brown hair and grey eyes. He had a round face and he was pale, like Cole, only, unlike Cole, the child had no freckles.

The other one, who was taller and more skinny, had black hair and the same grey eyes as the other child.

"Jordi-" the child was stopped by who Cole assumed was Jordie.

"One, don't call me Jordie, it's Jordan," the boy corrected. "Two, stay back, I'm going to investigate and I don't want you to get hurt."

"Okay... Jordie." The child sniggered as he said the nickname he had bestowed on his older friend.

Jordan rolled his eyes, stepping forwards, nearing Cole, the hummingbird boy.

"Hello?" Jordan's voice was like a whisper, getting quieter and quieter as it echoed across the nearby lake.

"Hi..." Cole stepped out from his cover, seeing no reason to hide from the child.

"Jesu-" Jordan was interrupted by the smaller, brown haired, warm-grey eyed boy, Jamie.

"Hello!" The child looked to be about six or seven years old, eight tops, and he was wearing a blank blue T-shirt and grey shorts. There were black sandals on his feet, which was the only accessory that Cole thought was remotely normal.

"Hi ther-" Cole was interrupted.

"Who are you?" The older boy, who appeared to the age that Cole looked like, which was seventeen.

"I'm Cole. You're Jordan right? He's Jamie?" You pointed at the six year old.

"How did you know that, you... Weird hummingbird per-" This time Jordan stopped himself, noticing the silhouette of Cole's supposed wings.

"What the hell are those?" Jordan pointed at Cole's wings.

"I don't know, if I'm being honest. I think they are my 'Wings'"

"They look shiny." Jamie chimed in.

"Yeah. I think so too." Cole agreed with the young boy while Jordan stood, staring at Cole, dumbfounded.

"And Jordie, mummy told you not to swear." Jamie had a responsible look on his face, although he looked to be a troublemaker like Cole was.

"Why? What did I say?" Jordan snapped out of his state of 'awe' and turned to look at Jamie.

"You said H-E-L-L." Jamie spelled out. "Mummy says your not allowed to say that."

"Hell isn't a bad word?"

"Mummy said it was."

"Mom's not right then."

"Are you saying mummy lied?" Jamie donned a scowl on his face.

Cole recognised that look.

"Okay, okay, enough of that!" Cole stopped a fight from breaking out between the ferocious six year old and the spooky seventeen year old.

(The six year old would have won.)

That started the awkward silence. Everyone looked down at their shoes.

"Do you want to play tag with us, Cole?" Jamie looked up at Cole, who was hovering above the ground.

"I'd like that. I warn you, me and my sister used to play this a lot! I'm really good!" Cole remembered his sister. He hoped she was okay.

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