Chapter Four

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Extrahot69: Lucky for me I saved the number 😎😎😎
Yumtastic: Dude culd u share plzzzz🙏🙏🙏
Extrahot69: Nahhh man I wanna b the only guy
Yumtastic: Dude I'll give u anything🙏🙏🙏
Extrahot69: Anything?😈😈
Yumtastic: Yeah🙏🙏🙏🙏
Extrahot69: Any Any Thing?😈😈😈😈😈
Yumtastic: Yeah😇😇🙏🙏
Extrahot980: Fine it's 456-890-2347
Yumtastic: thx dude
Extrahot69: But you owe me!
Yumtastic: Yeah, whatever
Extrahot69: I mean it
Yumtastic has logged out of this forum.
Extrahot69: Ima get u!!😡😡😤
SmashKing574: How the fuck do I get to porn hub?!
Extrahot69: Just type it in google dumbass
Smashking574: OHHH thanks dude
Smashking574 has logged out of this forum

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